12-36 hour journey, with the first 12 hours being the most intense. Can cause ataxia and nausea upon movement. Iboga creates a dream-like lucid trance state with the ability to look inside the memory banks of one's own psyche and erase, analyze, or gain insight. Heart conditions, some prescriptions, and
serious illness are contra-indicated. Physiological effects are that one's cravings will be completely gone for upto 90 days, whether for heroin, methadone, sugar, food, or any other addiction. It's a true clean slate and new start which can be made more permanent with integration and changes in lifestyle and attitude.


The IBOGA ROOT has been used as a shamanicsacrament for initiatory rites of passage and healing by the Bwiti tribe in West Africa for thousands of years. More recently, the extract IBOGAINE has been used successfully to treat opioid addiction and addiction in general. As little as one dose of ibogaine can remove the addiction triggers at a cellular level WITHOUT WITHDRAWALS.

Iboga and its main ingredient ibogaine are
psychoactive substances classified as 'indole alkaloids'. They come from the root of the Tabernathe iboga plant.

Legal in Africa, Brazil, Canada, Mexico,
the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal.



Banisteriopsis caapi, the woody vine, is an
MAO-Inhibitor which opens the blood brain
barrier causing the DMT (dimethyl-tryptamine) released by the leaf, Psychotria viridis, to enter the brain. DMT causes auditory and optical experiences.


Ayahuasca is called "La Purga" because
it causes most people nausea and vomiting
at the outset. This purge then gives way to a new clarity and vision. You may experience an ego death and rebirth; have a spiritual reconciliation with a dead parent or loved
one; have profound mystical insights; see
other dimensions, insects, birds, snakes,
jaguars; or sometimes meet your shadow.
Even fearful experiences can bring wisdom
and release over Time.


Not clinically proven yet, but many accounts exist of being cured of post traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, cancer and other ailments. Can reveal the roots of addiction and long-time patterns of dis-ease and
un-ease in the self. Heal psychospiritual issues by activating the inner shaman.
Awaken to god consciousness.

Santo Daime
UDV-Unio de Vegetal
Legal ayahuasca retreat centers all over South America, Spain, the Neth- erlands, Portugal. Underground ceremonies abound elsewhere.


Many cultures have mushrooms in their religious artwork. The images below from left
to right are Gautama Buddha, a Chinese monk, Jesus Christ, ancient Mayan figures, and the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. Images courtsey of metahistory.org


Can be intensely visual. Effects vary depending on person, set, setting, dosage,
and intention. A five-gram journey can be
a sacramental death and resurrection
experience and should be approached with
reverence and surrender. Microdosing
can be useful for connecting to nature
and creativity.


Legal in Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Bulgaria, Jamaica, Netherlands and Vietnam.
Illegal but not enforced in Cambodia, India, and Thailand.


Psilocybin is converted to psilocin in the body and works by binding the same receptors in the brain as the neuro-transmitter serotonin.



The main active ingredient in San Pedro
and peyote cactus is mescaline or 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine. Mescaline is an alkaloid with psychedelic effects similar to LSD and psilocybin. Mescaline binds to
and activates serotonin receptors. Exactly how this results in psychedelic effects is yet unclear; it likely involves excitation of neurons in the prefrontal cortex.


As of 2019, mescaline is illegal in most countries, except for Peru, Ecuador, and Portugal. In the US it is legal to use as part of a Native American Church ceremony. San Pedro, native to the Andes Mountains at 6,600-9,800 ft altitude is easily propogated with cuttings, and in ideal conditions grows about an inch a month to over 20 feet. Peyote thrives in harsh scrubby conditions with poor soil similar to its native soil in South Texas and Mexico.


Like many psychoactive plants, San Pedro is a medicinal substance with the potential of healing symptoms and conditions that affect mind, body and spirit. In addition to healing, it is also a metaphysical or shamanic tool for


The mescaline journey lasts for 4-6 hours and is marked by a mental brightness and heart-opening clarity that can provide great insights and brilliant understanding along with a feeling of being connected to all things. The medicine has a masculine or yang frequency.

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