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Anders Beatty

Anders Beatty is a therapist with years of experience who has walked the walk of addiction and recovery from it with ibogaine. His therapeutic approach is just wonderful, archetypal, yet completely relatable. Join us for an in-depth discussion about the archetypes of addiction

All Sessions by Anders Beatty

Ibogaine the Addiction-Interruptor Panel Discussion May 10, 2024
8:38 PM - 8:46 PM

1:39 pm Rocky Caravelli: Treating Opioid & Meth Addiction with Ibogaine

May 24: Anders Beatty: The Archetypes of Addiction with Anders Beatty May 24, 2024
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

The Archetypes of Addiction with Anders Beatty


A Live Conversation with Anders Beatty about the archetypes of addiction, the importance of precare and aftercare integration with ibogaine.