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Rocky Caravelli

Rocky Caravelli

Ibogaine Treatment Provider

Rocky has served ibogaine to over 900 people without fatalities and is an expert on both narcotic use and it's antidote iboga and ibogaine's use for addiction recovery, trauma treatment and initiatory experiences. He is the founder and ceo of a licensed clinic Awakening in the Dream in the beautiful town of San Miguel de Allende where he accepts clients for addiction recovery as well as non detox  treatments. He is also accepting students for practitioner resident trainings on the art & science of ibogaine treatments.

All Sessions by Rocky Caravelli

Jun 7th Rocky Caravelli: Ibogaine Treatment for Crystal Meth Addiction June 7, 2024
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Ibogaine for Crystal Meth Addiction with Rocky Caravelli


A Live conversation with ibogaine expert Rocky Caravelli about how ibogaine works for crystal meth addiction.