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Sara Ucendo

Sara Ucendo

Apr 28 6 am PDT

Sara, born in Spain, has been traveling the world for more than a decade. She spent most of the time in Peru and Mexico, where she immersed herself in her true calling with Kambô and Bufo Alvarius. Fully dedicated to her medicine path, embodying feminine freedom and warrior from the heart, Sara inspires those around her to be fully themselves. Now based in South Africa, she has created a community and home base through her loving work in integrity with the amphibian medicines. With them she reconnects people to their Truth enabling them to reclaim their power.

All Sessions by Sara Ucendo

Women in Psychedelics Apr 28 April 28, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

6 AM Sara Ucendo I Resetting and Rebirthing with Amphibian Medicines

I will talk about how focusing on purging mental, physical, and emotional toxins with kambô combined with Bufo Alvarius (5-MeO-DMT) results in a profound reset at the mind-body-spirit level. This rebirth gives people a second chance at living their lives with more presence, acceptance, and self awareness. This entheogenic experience allows you to remember your true essence.