10,000 Rebirths: A Philanthropic Proposal to End Addiction & Save Lives

In 2023, more than 107,000 people died of overdose in the US alone. In 2024, FEAT, Awake.net’s Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment is initiating a countermovement called 
10,000 Rebirths, with the intention of saving lives by ending addiction one ibogaine treatment at a time. LEARN MORE


We are raising $200,000 to pay for the following initiatives:

1. FEAT Pilot: 12 ibogaine treatments

2. Change Your Character Nine Month Integration Program

3. Onboard 64 Mentors & masters to give Breakthrough Lectures

4. Grow Awake.net Community of Entheogenic Practitioners

5. Iboga Saves documentary editing & post

Raising $200,000 for all 5 programs
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