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The Polemics of Jack

by Jack Cross

Welcome to The Polemics of Jack

The Polemics, as I lovingly refer to my writings, are intended to be a collection of short articles, art-i-facts, journey notes, diagrams, ecstatic poetry, sleight-of-hand with Compass, Square and Pen, written exclusively under the influence of Soul-Mind-Manifesting Agents, secret and sacred. For those not familiar with the word ‘polemic,’ it means ‘WAR,’ and every man is Jack.

Simultaneously, I would like to welcome you to my hallucinations, of a Christ Complexicon made of the shapes of letters, and morphemes, the constituents of words, a complex-lexicon of Geometry and Archetype and Alphabet moving through time to a Receiver. YOU are reading a code.

Shamanism is primarily concerned with healing and meaning, which are directly experienced and learned through discipline from one’s own HIGHER SELF, who shall remain Nameless, and integrated into one’s so-called ordinary life.

These are the ashes of an extra-ordinary Journey, inward, in Word.


Jack Cross

Jack Cross

Jack Cross




I have slept, slumbering, yawning, and dreamt beautiful dreams. I have swallowed my own tears while salt parched lips, desert dry, cracking, crumbling, feared the next windy word would blow me away. My madness mumbling translucent traces of God. No arrogance would...

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The Fat Lady

The Fat Lady

I dance with my Mother beneath the blue flame of Her skin silently begging not to be born again, and She laughs, and She sings, and the Die Man...

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The Spine of the Mind by Jack Cross

The Spine of the Mind by Jack Cross

This is a difficult thing to explain, but it kind of reminds me of this observation of subatomic particles, where you cannot determine both WHERE and WHEN an event will occur, be-CAUSE, at the subatomic level, the observation of the observer appears to affect the...

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The Millionth Buddha

The Millionth Buddha

Maybe there’s a quickening, a hundredth monkey, a millionth Buddha. Maybe its you, maybe its me…. Who do you say that I am? I am awake. In unison, I am awake. . . .          ...

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Welcome to the Polemics of Jack

Welcome to the Polemics of Jack

​The Polemics, as I lovingly refer to my writings, are intended to be a collection of short articles, art-i-facts, journey notes, diagrams, ecstatic poetry, slights-of-hand with Compass, Square and Pen, written exclusively under the influence of Mind-Soul-Manifesting Agents, secret and sacred. For those not familiar with the word ‘polemic,’ it means ‘WAR,’ and every man is Jack.

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Transcendental Objects

Transcendental Objects

The “Transcendental Object at the End of Time” IS SYMBOLIZED BY the ‘J’ and the ‘T’ of ob-J-ec-T itself, ‘J-ec-T,’ ‘TO THROW,’ from ‘jacere,’ composed of the ‘JA’ morpheme OF ‘JA[H]’ + ‘cere,’ meaning ‘PURE.’

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There’s no way out but “en”

“High Consciousness, as opposed to low, is the game changer of personal and collective development, of social responsibility, of a culture with reverence for environmental integrity in a finite biological system. We must ascend to the forbidden heights of our...

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Eye of God

Eye of God

The “Eye of God,” as en-V-isioned by the Huichol (Wixaritari) Indians of Mexico. Geometry and V-ibrance, compliments of PEYOTE. Inquire within.

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Pre-,’ BEFORE,’ ‘sci-,’ ‘TO KNOW,’ ‘en’ is ‘IN,’ a directive, and a ‘T’ is an intersection of vertical and horizontal coordinates, a cross. ‘Pre-sci-en-t.’ ‘KNOWLEDGE OF...

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T​o​ ‘e-X-AL-T,’ from ‘ex-,’ ‘OUT, UPWARD’ + ‘altus,’ ‘HIGH.’ But why?

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‘Forbidden’ is a REVERSE BIFURCATION. ‘Bi’ is ‘TWO,’ the etymological foundation of Bi-ology. The Study of Life is the Study of TWO.

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Union Jack

Union Jack

The Crosses of Three Saints, cardinal and intercardinal ordinates, the White of the Sacred Masculine, of Surrender, the Red of the Sacred Feminine, of Blood, and the morpheme of Light in the b-LU-e of Heaven. The UNITED KINGDOM, the UNION JACK. E-NG-L-ish, A-NG-L-ish....

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In the M-iddle, at the bottom of the ‘U,’ of yo-U, between the ‘M’ and the ‘N’ in the ‘MUN’ of Com-MUN-ion, when and where the ‘I’ is M-i-N-i-M-ised, at the bottom of a c-U-p, a c-U-pel, a cr-U-cible, the Holy Grail.

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The Etymology of Healing

The Etymology of Healing

THIS Etymology of Healing revolves around the Greek name ‘Jason,’ and an enTheogenic and esoteric explanation of why ‘Jason’ means ‘HEALER.’ ‘EnTheogenic,’ meaning, ‘GENERATING-THE-DIVINE-WITHIN,’ ‘esoteric,’ meaning, ‘SECRET.’ 

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The Pole of Polemics

The Pole of Polemics

IN SEVERE GOODNESS, at the center of vertical and horizontal planes, the sa[y]man, the Wordman, is psychologically crucified upon the Cross of Consciousness and pierces the Vail of Time.

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The Hidden Meaning of THIS

The Hidden Meaning of THIS

Before I had ever been to New York City, I had a dream that I was there on a busy street near the corner of a tall building, and there was this black guy standing behind these large dark wooden carvings that were like paintings, but carved into wood. I’d say they were about 4 feet wide by 5 feet tall, and I noticed that in each one of these very beautiful and intricate carvings was hidden the word THIS.

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The Bards of Bardo

The Bards of Bardo

IN THE PLACID TERROR of ecstatic contemplation, revelation comes not by deduction or induction, but by disintegration and integration. Here, melting into the kaleidoscopic wings of a Butterfly,

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How to Catch a Dragon

How to Catch a Dragon

Surrender. Be still. Receive. The fork of the tongue, the barb of the Tale. Breathe.Unspell ‘preen,’ from the latin ‘ungere,’ ‘ANOINT.’ Rinse and...

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The Carpenter’s Tools

The Carpenter’s Tools

Structurally, and f-UNCTION-AL-ly, the Carpenter’s Tools, the COMPASS, SQUARE and PEN, are ‘INSTRUMENTS OF MEASUREMENT,’ measuring the ‘ment,’ the ‘MIND.’

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The Morphemes of Hallelujah

The Morphemes of Hallelujah

‘JAH’ is a Map of God in morpheme structure. The ‘J’ is an A-XIS POLE MADE OF LIGHT, a flame, the Wizard’s Magic Wand, burning inside the First Letter of the ‘A-lphabet,’ a cone.

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Praylude to Jacob’s Ladder

Praylude to Jacob’s Ladder

Jacob’s Ladder,
the World Tree,
the World Mountain,
the Axis Mundi,
live and wait
in the Garden of the Mind,
in the Heart of a Christ,
in androgyny,
in ecstasy….

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An Alternate Etymology of Marijuana

An Alternate Etymology of Marijuana

The ‘-JUANA’ of Marijuana is the Latin/Spanish feminine aspect of the masculine ‘JUAN,’ in English, ‘JOHN,’ etymologically related to ‘JACK,’ ‘JAMES,’ ‘JASON,’ ‘JESUS,’ etc. etc., all, related, J-oined together, by the TEN-th Letter ‘J’ of the English/Latin Alphabet.

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The Polemics of Jack Intro

The Polemics of Jack Intro

​The Polemics, as I lovingly refer to my writings, are intended to be a collection of short articles, art-i-facts, journey notes, diagrams, ecstatic poetry, slights-of-hand with Compass, Square and Pen, written exclusively under the influence of Mind-Soul-Manifesting...

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A Journey in Word 2 by Jack Cross

A Journey in Word 2 by Jack Cross

There is a holographic awakening to be had from the words and letters of the English/Latin alphabet and author and psychonaut Jack Cross un-spells the Way in Part 2 of his series “A Journey in Word. The video is a mesmerizing visual experience that will put you...

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A Journey In Word 1 by Jack Cross

A Journey In Word 1 by Jack Cross

    It is customary in the mind-manifested world to speak of Set, Setting and Intention, but I would like to begin with something you’ll need to bring with you on your journey in Word, ATTENTION, and ones ability to pay with it. Intention is very...

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