Rebekah Copas
Rebekah Copas posted an update 4 months ago
A 2008 Australian National Broadcaster podcast about the indigenous sacred sites from where the management of dreams associated with any psycho-active got managed prior to the 1890s, when as indicated in the podcast, the site became closed. Many n indigenous Australians think the closure lead to every prohibition of various…
Along the Pituri Trail - ABC listen
In 1876, explorer WO Hodgkinson led the last government-funded expedition into the Simpson Desert, ostensibly to find land suitable for pastoral expansion. But Hodgkinson's diary from the journey reveals that his main interest in the desert country was to find … Continue reading
Two men and one woman are walking along a dry riverbed. It is at the time when deserts formed after sandstorms, and many insects came, and plants and animals suffered. The three himan beings are near starvation. Then the woman said she had a dream that in a far away place where her spirit is stuck, (at Xanadu, the scene in her dreams is like…