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Patient D: Microdosing Ibogaine for Parkinson’s

Patient D: Microdosing Ibogaine for Parkinson’s

Interviewed by Lakshmi Narayan and Eric SwensonAt the time of this interview in 2019, Patient D was a 76-year old individual who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s five years before and was able to manage and improve his symptoms by microdosing ibogaine. He passed away in...

Addiction and the Core Wound with Deanne Adamson

Addiction and the Core Wound with Deanne Adamson

How does IBOGA work in a single treatment when traditional rehab and therapies fail? The answer is simple. It gets to the root cause. In the opinion of addiction expert Dr. Gabor Maté, who has worked with hundreds of addicts in the course of his practice, addiction is...
