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Communion, Communication, Community

joinus redpill is a non-profit social impact network for the entheogenic community.
Our mission is to help end opioid addiction by providing individual preparation, treatment, and integration grants and guidance for ibogaine and other treatments through our non-profit FEAT program, currently in pilot. Our goal is to raise $1M for 100 ibogaine treatments at an approved clinic. We also provide access to a global Directory of practitioners— doctors, healers, psychedelic integration providers, and complementary modalities.




Ibogaine is an entheogenic plant medicine that can reset the body to a pre-addicted state, even with the most persistent and deadly hard addictions like opioids, meth, alcohol, and even sugar. The reset happens during a 12-24 hour psychedelic experience during which the patient receives life lessons while the addiction receptors in the body are being reset. This has been known since 1962, and today in 2020, there are perhaps under a 100 clinics or retreat centers of  all over the world, in places where it is legal or decriminalized, and thousands of people have ended their addiction because of it. Yet it remains illegal in the US, home of the opioid epidemic.

That’s why we started FEAT, the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment to provide individual $10K treatment grants and guidance to opioid addicts seeking to interrupt their addiction with an ibogaine reset. Our Medical Advisor for FEAT is Dr. Jeffrey Kamlet, MD, who has administered ibogaine himself 1100 times and is Board certified in addiction medicine, and with his help we are going to chart a course for users to receive ibogaine treatments at clinics or retreat centers that follow the Kamlet Protocols in order to administer an effective dose while mitigating the cardiac risk, as well as create an environment conducive to a deep inner journey. FEAT applicants are automatically enrolled in the program which includes the Change Your Character: Nine Month Rebirth course, and a weekly Awake Circles support meeting. Detox and nutrition support as well as a panel of Mentors & Masters who offer class lectures, and one-on-one coaching, therapy, and other consultations via zoom on this platform.


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Fund for Entheogenic
Addiction Treatments


with a recurring membership of $1 or more and help fund an ibogaine treatment for a friend, family member, or total stranger.


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Our vision is to create a curated Living Library of Mentors & Masters from around the globe to educate our audiences about what entheogens are, and how to prepare for, navigate, and integrate such journeys for healing and awakening. If you have extensive experience with psychedelic medicines, whether in a clinical or ceremonial context, and have something to teach or communicate consider joining us.


Calling all visionary artists, authors, attorneys, coaches, bloggers, doctors, integration providers, researchers, scientists, philosophers, poets, designers, technologists, filmmakers, Prophets and non-profits. Add your voice and vision to the collective conscious, and help awaken the collective unconscious.

Join the MediaMakers program and build your web presence at non-profit rates with the help of Awake Media experts, while your membership donations help support our non-profit mission of ending opioid addiction.


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Lakshmi Narayan,
Co-founder and President
Awake Board of Directors
Sedona, AZ
Designer, writer, I Ching teacher

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Jack Cross
Board of Directors

Sedona, AZ
Ecstatic poet, writer, psychonaut

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Shonagh Home
Shamanic Therapist
Awake Board of Directors
Round Hill, VA
Writer, poet,

Bruno Rasmussen

Dr. Bruno Rasmussen Chavez
Ibogaine Treatment Expert
Board of Directors, Medical Advisor FEAT

Sao Paolo, Brazil
medical doctor


AWE 2022

Awakening With Entheogens

A week-long online/offline initiation workshop with tracks for addiction recovery, trauma treatment, creative epiphanies, guided visionary journeys (where legal), ongoing integration guidance from mentors and masters, and access to Awake Circles ongoing online support groups.







teach redpill





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Inform and educate a global audience about how the initiatory experience with entheogens like ibogaine, ayahuasca, psilocybin, MDMA, ketamine, and even cannabis can have a transcendental benefit in addiction recovery, trauma, psycho-spiritual healing, finding meaning and purpose, and spiritual awakening. Apply to join the Awake Mentors & Masters program here. Accepted members will have access to a platform that is also a business engine where they can create web presence and social impact, offer courses, create individual or non-profit crowdfunding campaigns, create zoom integration circles, ticketed events. and build a following in the entheogenic community.
