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Tavistock and Our Manipulated Reality • Episode 38 • Free •

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What the majority of people do not realize is that our reality is being created for us and our minds controlled and steered by people with far greater understanding of the inner workings of the psyche than the average person. Propaganda and brainwashing are ancient methods for controlling a body of people. With the formation of the Tavistock Institute in 1913 by the British royal family, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, those methods developed into highly sophisticated techniques utilizing government, military, psychiatry, media/entertainment, education and other areas of society to steer the minds of the people toward what a privileged few desire for them.
Scholars, Steve and Krys Crimi, the publishers at Logosophia Books, join me for a deep dive into the inception and methodologies of the Tavistock Institute. This information is vitally important for people to understand, as we have all been indoctrinated and continue to be influenced on multiple layers, and this includes the psychedelic arena. Only when we can recognize what is covertly influencing our thoughts and actions can we free ourselves from its grasp. There is so much good information covered in hours 1 and 2, including ways to counter mind control. Please join us for a very illuminating conversation that serves ultimately to break the spell and free the mind.
Krys and Steve’s Youtube Channel, Good Craic:
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