Lakshmi posted an update
3 years ago (edited)
Tripping to Genius.
Genius is an experience. It is moments of communion between mind and heart, God and human, self and other, when insight becomes outtasite, and true seeing happens. The Genie in us, that magical creature called imagination, is ‘unleashed’ and roams around looking at everything with wonder, with the eyes of the divine child. There is something wild about that divine child, wild to be ‘empty’ have beginner’s mind and see things with enthusiasm. Wild to not know that you have beginner’s mind, just have it.
So we die to forget, and we are born to remember.
We are born to forget and we die to remember.
Or is it the other way around?
Creativity is communion.
Moments of genius are infectious, we can awaken to each other’s genius, our collective genius.
All my life. Trips within trips. And it takes a genius to extract meaning from it.