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BREAKTHROUGH LECTURE SERIES is seeking mentors and masters with entheogenic or other transformational wellness experience from clinical, shamanic, therapeutic, and spiritual disciplines to donate a Breakthrough Lecture in their area of expertise to our inaugural class of FEAT applicants starting Fall 2024.



FEAT is the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment, a charitable program administered by, a 501c3 social impact network with the core mission of ending opioid addiction by providing a Healing Grant of up to $8k per individual to pay for an ibogaine or other entheogenic treatment, a series of integration sessions with various providers, and a nine-month online course called Change Your Character: Nine Months to Rebirth taught by mentors and masters from the global ibogaine and entheogenic community.


Some people call it the most powerful psychedelic known to us. Ibogaine HCL is a white powder extracted from the Tabernathe iboga tree or the Voacanga plant. Ibogaine HCL can reliably interrupt opioid and other hard addictions in a single clinically administered flood-dose treatment. Ibogaine HCL can be made from the Voacanga plant at scale and so it gives us, as a society, a way to create a treatment pathway to end opioid addiction without creating sustainability issues for the iboga plant or for the indigenous people who use it shamanically.


Integration is the pain point with ibogaine or any deep dive entheogenic experience. Ibogaine works reliably given the right dosage to interrupt opioid or other addictions and offers a three-month cushion in the form of nor-ibogaine slow-released in the fat cells.  However, in order to sustain the amazing rebirth and freedom from addiction that ibogaine has delivered, the person has to have an actionable plan for change, often this might include — change of address, change of social environment, change of job, and definitely change of self — and this is where the community of mentors and masters and fellow journeyers come in. We need community to support our own radical change. This process of change and grounding the transformation in one’s day-to-day life and way of being is the promise of integration, and the promise of the Change Your Character program with it’s access to both local and global mentors and masters and their collective wisdom. Together we can save lives and help transform society.


The nine-month program will be populated by Breakthrough Lectures given by mentors and masters from the entheogenic community. The lectures fall into three broad categories: Preparation, Navigation, and Integration, and three sub-categories physical, mental-emotional and spiritual are intended to quickly create a body of collective knowledge that can give people not only self-healing tools but access to teachers, guides, therapists, nutritionists, breath workers, energy workers, bodyworkers, philosophers, poets, integration coaches and last but not least entheogenically experienced doctors.


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