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Marla Durden, A Bright Light of Wisdom • Episode 9 • Free •

Marla Durden, A Bright Light of Wisdom • Episode 9 • Free •

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Marla Durden, A Bright Light of Wisdom • Episode 9 • Free •

Marla Durden is one of those people I could talk with for hours. From an early age she became aware of subtle energy and has been studying it ever since. From hands-on healing to dowsing to BioGeometry, she has accrued a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience. She teaches and leads groups and runs a psycho-spiritual mentoring practice in Seattle. She is also quite familiar with the mushroom spirits and we begin the first hour discussing her connection with those teachers, and Marla has a lot to say on that subject. The conversation weaves into the topic of BioGeometry, which is about creating an energetic field through geometry “on steroids” to quote Marla.

The Etymology of Healing

The Etymology of Healing

THIS Etymology of Healing revolves around the Greek name ‘Jason,’ and an enTheogenic and esoteric explanation of why ‘Jason’ means ‘HEALER.’ ‘EnTheogenic,’ meaning, ‘GENERATING-THE-DIVINE-WITHIN,’ ‘esoteric,’ meaning, ‘SECRET.’ And yet, you read on. There’s a cure in...

From Propaganda to Parmenides: Good Craic with the Crimis • Episode 8 • Free

From Propaganda to Parmenides: Good Craic with the Crimis • Episode 8 • Free

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From Propaganda to Parmenides: Good Craic with the Crimis • Episode 8 • Free

Steve and Krys Crimi run the publishing house, Logosophia Books, and I am honored to be one of their authors. They are wise elders with eyes to see and the wit, heart and wisdom to navigate this reality with clarity. I’ve been listening to them on Robert Phoenix’s Youtube channel, The Friday Farcast, for a number of years. With Robert, they’ve shared their depth of knowledge on subjects such as the esoteric roots of the USA, the work of magician, John Dee, the Frankfurt School, Tavistock, and much more.

In this episode our conversation delves beneath the current media narratives that have many people shaking their heads in incredulity. We discuss Steve’s upcoming book, Hermes Runs the Game, and delve into the Pilgrim Society, Tavistock, the godfather of propaganda, Edward Bernays, the Greek goddess, Metis, Parmenides, the origins of compulsory schooling in the US, and more.

I meet with Steve and Krys once every 6 weeks or so for a “good craic” and time melts into three, sometimes four hours of dynamic conversation. I am thrilled to share these brilliant thinkers with you and I know you will learn much from them. Do check out the excellent titles available on Logosophia Books including Steve’s book, Katabatic Wind, Good Craic Fueled by Fumes from the Abyss, which explores the feminine spirit, sacred geometry and number, and compares western and eastern sacred traditions.

Herbal Support for the Mushroom Journey and Beyond: An Interview with Rebecca Presnall, Master Herbalist • Episode 6 • Free •

Herbal Support for the Mushroom Journey and Beyond: An Interview with Rebecca Presnall, Master Herbalist • Episode 6 • Free •

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Herbal Support for the Mushroom Journey and Beyond: An Interview with Rebecca Presnall, Master Herbalist • Episode 6 • Free •

Rebecca Rozelle Presnall is a master herbalist, practitioner, and teacher. I have known her for several years and her depth of herbal knowledge and application is just incredible. In the first half of this episode Rebecca shares her journey into the role of herbalist, and lays the base of foundational herbal infusions that will support the body on many levels, including a mushroom journey. In the second hour Rebecca discusses the use of herbs in ritual settings for protection and support. She has great wisdom and experience on these matters and listening to her is time truly well spent.

Robert Phoenix: Astrology and the Next Few Years • Episode 5 • Free •

Robert Phoenix: Astrology and the Next Few Years • Episode 5 • Free •

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Robert Phoenix: Astrology and the Next Few Years • Episode 5 • Free •

Astrology has been a powerful component in my retreats because of its extraordinary ability to reveal the inner workings of the persona. It provides a deeper understanding of the self and offers a hugely helpful head’s up for how to navigate the changing tides of worldly life.

Robert Phoenix is an astrologer par excellence, who has an uncanny ability to pinpoint the deeper layers at work on the world stage through the lens of astrology. He predicted the extraordinary upheaval of 2020 in mid-2019, which gave me the mental/emotional preparation I needed to navigate that year and beyond. His individual readings are highly astute and thorough, and have been a great help to me and others who have sought him out.

In this interview Robert begins by discussing the arc of how he found his way to his profession, beautifully illustrating how destiny forms through the winding path of our lives. He delves into the role of Saturn, the stern, planetary influence that is so prevalent today, and explains how to work with that essential, disciplining force. The second hour is a deep dive into the planetary influences for 2023 up to 2030, providing notice on the coming potential events and how to intelligently ride these powerful and world-changing energies. In this way, we are prepared mentally and emotionally to rise to the enormous opportunities these times afford us.
