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Eye of God

Eye of God

The “Eye of God,” as en-V-isioned by the Huichol (Wixaritari) Indians of Mexico. Geometry and V-ibrance, compliments of PEYOTE. Inquire within.



Pre-,’ BEFORE,’ ‘sci-,’ ‘TO KNOW,’ ‘en’ is ‘IN,’ a directive, and a ‘T’ is an intersection of vertical and horizontal coordinates, a cross. ‘Pre-sci-en-t.’ ‘KNOWLEDGE OF...



‘Forbidden’ is a REVERSE BIFURCATION. ‘Bi’ is ‘TWO,’ the etymological foundation of Bi-ology. The Study of Life is the Study of TWO.

Union Jack

Union Jack

The Crosses of Three Saints, cardinal and intercardinal ordinates, the White of the Sacred Masculine, of Surrender, the Red of the Sacred Feminine, of Blood, and the morpheme of Light in the b-LU-e of Heaven. The UNITED KINGDOM, the UNION JACK. E-NG-L-ish, A-NG-L-ish....


In the M-iddle, at the bottom of the ‘U,’ of yo-U, between the ‘M’ and the ‘N’ in the ‘MUN’ of Com-MUN-ion, when and where the ‘I’ is M-i-N-i-M-ised, at the bottom of a c-U-p, a c-U-pel, a cr-U-cible, the Holy Grail.
