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Amelia Travis

Amelia Travis

Apr 28 12 am PDT

Amelia is a women’s coach, astrologer, writer, speaker, breathwork and yoga educator, and consciousness guide. The core of Amelia’s work is inviting individuals and groups to create “deep experiences”: transformative, initiatory, and ceremonial rites of passage that help the soul progress and support embodiment of the truest expression of self. Her soul-centered approach to expanding awareness is rooted in 20 years of spiritual study, transpersonal psychology, eco-feminist values, and Integral Yoga philosophy. Since 2013, Amelia has trained and coached thousands of practitioners in yoga, wellness, and the creative arts to deepen their crafts and embrace their soul work callings. As the founder of Stoked Yogi, an outdoor-focused yoga education organization, Amelia certified over 800 yoga professionals to safely guide surf and yoga experiences on and off the water. 

Story-telling and truth-telling are two of Amelia’s guiding practices. She’s had the honor of speaking on the power of small decisions as a TEDx speaker, and her writing has been published in Yoga Journal, Huffington Post, and The Inertia. As host of the Women Awake podcast and events, Amelia facilitates spaces focused on cultivating circular feminine leadership through creativity, contemplative practices, and community witnessing. Currently, Amelia is completing a master’s degree in East-West Psychology at California Institute for Integral Studies and preparing for PhD research in psilocybin-supported rites of passage. Learn more about Amelia and what she offers on Instagram@ameliatravis and her website 

All Sessions by Amelia Travis

Women in Psychedelics Apr 28 April 28, 2024
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

12 am Amelia Travis: Rhizomatic Rematriation


Psychedelic ‘awakening’ is a common occurrence, but can mushroom medicine take us beyond transcendental experiences and into a transformed relationship with the immanence, body, and Earth? Can mycelial medicine help us both wake up and grow up? Psilocybin-supported rites of passage may serve as an initiatory path into relationship with the ecological self. Journey work can help us compost old values, move from self-centeredness to other-centeredness, foster a greater sense of self trust and maturity, and increase our creativity and capacity to navigate increasing polarities and tensions of the modern world.