Women in Psychedelics: Learning from Success
April 27 (All times PDT)
10 AM Deanne Adamson, What Is Organic Integration?
11 AM Livi Joy, First Goose! Embodying (Feminine) Leadership When There Is No Road Map
12 PM Tricia Eastman, Nurturing the Seeds: Embracing Nature’s Womb for Resilience, Connection, and Empowerment
1 PM Annie Oak, Harm Reduction for Psychedelic Communities
2 PM Ginevra Naidoo, Ontocratic Awakening: Understanding Consciousness and the Power of Being
3 PM Mia Bronner, Soul Surfing: How I Reunited with my Soul`
4 PM Jessica Barrilleaux, Don’t Sleep with the Shaman
5 PM Leanna Standish, Bringing Ayahuasca to North America
6 PM Deborah Parrish Snyder, The Hidden History of Women
7 PM Kerry Moran, The Goddess and the Plants: Psychedelic Mysteries and Feminine Wisdom
8 PM Maressa Stertz, The Incredible Utility of Story Frameworks to Map the Psychedelic Journey, Life, and Beyond
9 PM Lakshmi Narayan, What Does It Mean To Be Awake Today?
10 PM Martie Underwood, Ethics in Psychedelics
11 PM Sonatta Camara, Embracing Inner Alchemy: A Journey of Healing and Sovereignty
April 28
12 AM Amelia Travis, Rhizomatic Rematriation
1 AM Solana Booth, Remembering Mother’s Breath
2 AM Cathy Coyle, Wisdom from the Ancient Mushroom Cults of Thessaly and the Prophetic Poets of Ireland
3 AM Julia Javkin, Exploring the Intersection of Somatics and Psychedelics: Navigating Body Signals
4 AM Kate Kifa, Women and Psychedelics on Wikipedia
5 AM Sarah Sun, Pygmy Testimony: Iboga In My Blood
6 AM Sara Ucendo, Resetting and Rebirthing with Amphibian Medicine
7 AM Merav Artzi, Telling Grandfather Tobacco’s Story
8 AM Erin Atkinson, Microdosing for Women’s Sovereignty
9 AM Shonagh Home, Mushrooms, the Sidhe, and the Otherworld
10 AM Summary Session
Women in Psychedelics: Learning from Success (WiP) is an extraordinary virtual gathering of medicine women, doctors, public interest entrepreneurs, researchers, therapists, authors, activists, and others. They come from four continents, eight countries. Several are people of color, three indigenous.
WiP will run from 10 AM PDT, Saturday, April 27 until 11 AM PDT, Sunday, April 28. One advantage of this approach is that people all over the world can tune into some part of our event at a convenient time. Twenty-five amazing women will make 30-minute presentations on a wide range of subjects relevant to and featuring women in psychedelics and will showcase a psychedelic success story. A moderated Q&A and discussion will follow for the rest of the hour. The last hour of the event will feature several of our speakers in a summary session. A video of the complete program will be available promptly.
This free Zoom event is organized by Holly House, a Seattle-based effort to educate the public about the risks and benefits of psychedelics to individuals and society. The principal sponsor is Awake.net, a non-profit social impact network, offering space for the entheogenic community to be informed, collaborate, and speed transformation. Awake’s public service mission is to advance and use ibogaine to help end addiction and initiate a countermovement to the overdose epidemic. Co-sponsors are the Entheo Society of Washington, supporting the therapeutic, spiritual, and medical right to use entheogens and their decriminalization, and Ancestral Heart, dedicated to biocultural preservation, reciprocity and stewardship of ancient ritual and indigenous wisdom.