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The Pole of Polemics

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Screen Shot 2021 08 20 at 7.56.06 PM 400x250

IN SEVERE GOODNESS, at the center of vertical and horizontal coordinates, the sa[y]man, the Wordman, is psychologically crucified upon the Cross of Consciousness and pierces the Vail of Time. He ascends the Ridge Pole, the Axis Mundi, the World Tree, and the ‘J’ of the Jack, the Nike[y], into the One Holographic Mind of God, the Pan and the Ram in the V-ision.

The re-AL-m of the Shaman, the She-Man, is not Faith, but KN-owledge, GN-O-SIS. He is the Divine Sinner and Supreme SCI-EN-T-ist, J-ack-of-all-T-rades and Master of One.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Authors, Entheogens and Language, Jack Cross, The Polemics of Jack by Jack Cross

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