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Annie Oak

Annie Oak

Apr 27 1 pm PDT

Annie Oak is the co-founder and managing editor of Lucid News, which covers the psychedelic ecosystem including business, culture and policy. She has an MS in science reporting from the Columbia University School of Journalism and reports under her given name, Ann Harrison. In 2007, Annie founded the Women’s Visionary Congress, an annual event which presents the work of women who work with psychedelics. In 2008, Annie co-founded the event's parent organization, the Women’s Visionary Council, which is the first nonprofit focused on psychedelic women. Recognizing the need to provide a quiet, comfortable space at music festivals, Annie created the Full Circle Tea House as a Burning Man art project. The Tea House is now a collective based in Oakland, CA. Annie is also the co-founder of Take 3 Presents, a San Francisco-based event production company that produces private immersive art experiences. A long-time harm reduction activist, Annie develops risk reduction strategies for event organizers. She is a resident of the San Francisco Haight-Ashbury neighborhood.

All Sessions by Annie Oak

Women in Psychedelics Apr 27 April 27, 2024
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

1 pm Annie Oak: Harm Reduction for Psychedelic Communities


Annie Oak has created harm reduction strategies for psychedelic events and communities since 2007. She will talk about how to develop safety systems for gatherings where people may be exploring psychedelics. These strategies include structures for mental health support and medical care, insurance considerations, conflict deescalation, drug checking, and mediation of boundary violations. She will also touch on safety considerations for evaluating facilitators and retreat centers that use psychedelic medicines. Annie will acknowledge the contributions made by many historical psychedelic communities that have for 50 years developed culturally appropriate ways to care for their members. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>