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Débora González, PhD

Débora González, PhD

Débora is a psychologist specializing in researching the therapeutic potential of medicinal plants for treating grief and loss. Presently affiliated with the San Joan de Deus Foundation and the University Isabel I (Spain), she adeptly balances her roles as a researcher and educator. Previously she was an Associate Researcher with ICEERS, the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service in Barcelona. Débora has conducted her research both in Spain and Peru. A notable study in Iquitos observed in a group of 50 subjects that the pain of losing a loved one was significantly reduced in less than one month, when they participated in ayahuasca ceremonies an average of six times. The pain relief experienced by the participants was sustained throughout the year. In April 2024, Dr. González concludes the recruitment phase of another study, which involves 80 participants evaluating the efficacy of ayahuasca-assisted psychotherapy in the prevention of prolonged grief disorder.

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