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Jessica Barrilleaux

Jessica Barrilleaux

Apr 27 4 pm PDT

Jessica has had a love of travel since she was young. On a train trip in Mexico as a teenager she was spellbound when she encountered indigenous peoples for the first time: the Tarahumara of Copper Canyon. That sparked a lifetime of seeking out native peoples around the world. Living in New Mexico in her 20s she began connecting with elders of the Taos Pueblo and exploring the Native American Church and the Good Red Road. This led to years of traveling to study with different tribes and many shamans and healers around the world. Searching for answers and healing with the different medicines over the last 40 years has characterized her life and quest for knowing and embracing goodness, truth, and beauty.

She holds titles and certificates for many healing modalities but credits the use of psychedelics with wise teachers and guides for bringing her the deepest healing from a lifetime of depression and feeling lost in this big world. Medicine work, vision quest, circle work, truth-telling conversations, and embracing the wisdom of Nature have healed her own experiences of abuse and negative self-talk to walk in the world sharing her wisdom and gifts. Jessica has just returned from a year and a half traveling alone in Central and Eastern Africa learning more from the magical animals and land there. Her connection to thousand-year-old Baobab trees helped inform her travels and guided her along the way as she learned to listen to these venerable elders.

All Sessions by Jessica Barrilleaux

Women in Psychedelics Apr 27 April 27, 2024
11:00 PM - 12:00 AM

4 pm Jessica Barrileaux: Don’t Sleep with the Shaman

We are at our own most vulnerable when we are working in other realms with medicine and sacred entheogens. We allow the shamans and teachers we have chosen to work with to enter our sacred places, trusting that they will honor us, hold us, and help us heal. When that boundary is crossed it is confusing and shocking and only adds new levels of shame and self-doubt to what we are already working on to heal. We can even entertain our own egoic thinking around being & chosen and yet most of the time we have not been chosen at all, but instead used. Jessica will share her own story of mistakenly crossing this boundary. Her story took her on a journey of learning about dark magick being used by the ayahuasquero and then learning to pull herself up and out of that story and into a new story of the deepest healing, returning to self-trust and self-respect. This is not a story that is unique. It happens more often than most of us realize and too often the stories are held deep inside wrapped in shame, doubt, and fear. Jessica will create a safe place for others to share their stories or ask questions.