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Kerry Moran

Kerry Moran, MA, LPC earned a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in 2000. She is a psychotherapist and writer who brings years of experience in depth psychology to the integration of ayahuasca. Her approach is both spiritual and practical, working to ground the wisdom of ayahuasca in daily life. Among other things, she's a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, an archetypal astrologer, and an apprentice tabaquera. She lives in the Sacred Valley of Peru, where she works with and writes about the integration process. Her first career (she refers to it as a past life) was as an author and freelance journalist based in Asia. Living in China, Nepal, France, and now Peru, has given her a broad multicultural perspective that she finds invaluable in working with psyche. Her writing career, which has yielded five books to date, continues to generate many insights into the hard work of the creative process. 

After she completed her graduate degree, Kerry opened a private practice in Portland, Oregon. For the next 15 years she worked as a presence-centered psychotherapist, weaving together Buddhist perspectives of wisdom and compassion (many learned during her 14 years living in Nepal) with depth psychology and a somatic understanding of trauma healing. In 2014 she experienced ayahuasca in Hawaii for the first time. The following year she closed her private practice and gave herself a year to travel and gather the threads of a reinvented life. Arriving in the Sacred Valley of Peru a few months later, it immediately became clear she was in her new home. Very quickly she saw that while there were many people serving ayahuasca in the Valley, nobody was offering integration support. Bringing her therapeutic and meditative background to bear seemed like a natural step. The opportunity to support many people on their individual journeys, to hear in detail the incredibly skillful (if sometimes obtuse) ways that ayahuasca works with individuals, to support the medicine in its work has been a tremendous gift.  

All Sessions by Kerry Moran

Women in Psychedelics Apr 27 April 27, 2024
2:00 AM - 3:00 AM

7 pm Kerry Moran: The Goddess and the Plants: Psychedelic Mysteries and Feminine Wisdom


Working as an ayahuasca integration therapist, I see firsthand how entheogenic plants can heal the pervasive symptoms of disconnection—from the body, from emotions, from self, from nature, from the divine—haunting so many in the modern world. I believe that many of our modern culture's wounds stem from the millennia-old systematic destruction of feminine ways of knowing. In this sweeping look at feminine wisdom, Western history, collective trauma, and the psychedelic renaissance, we'll explore how psychedelics inspire alternate states of consciousness bearing all the hallmarks of feminine wisdom. I'll look at how psychedelics, as "medicine for these times," can rekindle these ways of knowing, in the process reconnecting us to our archetypal heritage. The Divine Feminine is alive and well despite millennia of neglect and persecution. This archetype is embedded within each one of us, and is deeply encoded within the reawakening power of psychedelics.