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Leanna Standish

Leanna Standish

Apr 27 5 pm PDT

Dr. Leanna Standish, ND, PhD, MSAOM, LAcup, FABNO is a neuroscientist and physician living and working in Seattle. She has held faculty appointments at the University of Washington School of Medicine in the Radiology Department as well as at Bastyr University and Sonoran University. She is also founder and CEO of Sacred Medicines PBC, a botanical drug company, and directs the Opihihale Ethnobotanical Preserve of Sacred Plants on the Island of Hawaii created by Terence and Dennis McKenna nearly 50 years ago. Dr. Standish is pursuing Phase I and II clinical trials of a standardized Ayahuasca analog. She uses functional magnetic imaging of the brain as a tool in her consciousness science research. As a physician she specializes in naturopathic oncology and conducts clinical research on the effectiveness of integrative oncology care.  

Dr. Standish is also the co-founder and Co-Director of the Advanced Integrative Medical Science (AIMS) Institute in Seattle. AIMS Institute currently provides Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for patients with chronic illness, including cancer. It will be the clinical research site for the clinical trials of standardized Ayahuasca tea. The Institute is also the plaintiff in a suit against the DEA seeking access to psilocybin, a Schedule I drug, for therapeutic use with cancer patients suffering debilitating anxiety and depression.  

All Sessions by Leanna Standish

Women in Psychedelics Apr 27 April 27, 2024
12:00 AM - 1:00 AM

5 pm Leanna Standish: Bringing Ayahuasca to North America

I will talk about ayahuasca, its beauty, and potential. I will cover how to proceed ethically to study it in the laboratory and the clinic. I am founder and CEO of Sacred Medicines PBC, whose mission is to safely and ethically conduct well-designed clinical trials of a standardized ayahuasca analog using National Institute of Health research funding. I will discuss the technical, regulatory, cultural , and philosophical issues surrounding bringing ayahuasca to North America.