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Livi Joy

Livi Joy

Apr 27, 11 am PDT

Livi Joy has been creating sacred space for groups, individuals, and engaging in her own entheogenic practice for over 25 years. Grateful for the skills she learned as a psychotherapist with an MA in Clinical Counseling, Livi left the licensure world before MAPS gained traction, feeling more at home in a paradigm where there was no need for pathologizing nor diagnosis to seek entheogenic experiences. Answering an inner calling to hold group containers for entheogenic practice, Livi joined Sacred Garden Community, and was ordained by SGC. In addition to continuing to serve individuals through her private practice, Livi currently wears multiple hats in SGC, including Director of Health and Safety, Ordination Practicum Cohort Coordinator/Cohort Mentor, and the Existential Palliative Ministry Lead Facilitator. Livi inhabits a mycorhizzal lifestyle conveying information and innovations among her communities as curiosity compels foraging for discovery along the edges. Livi’s ministry is dedicated to paradigm shift: to composting the dominator, fear-based, power-over model while cultivating a cooperative, mystery-loving, power-within model, so that all humans may realize their wholeness and inherent divinity. As a Reiki Master, certified EFT (tapping) practitioner, creator of BodySongs (a somatics and embodied movement modality), and a trauma-informed spiritual care provider, Livi brings decades of holistic study and practice to meet each seeker with reverence and dignity.

All Sessions by Livi Joy

Women in Psychedelics Apr 27 April 27, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

11 am Livi Joy: First Goose! Embodying (Feminine) Leadership When There Is No Road Map


Over the years my bios have often included words like “exploring,” “pioneering” and when in a more creative mood - “bushwacking”. These are helpful qualities for anyone wanting to do deep transformational work, but especially for those drawn to psychedelics and even more especially for those drawn to leadership in this field. There I said it. Leadership. These days it can feel like leadership is a dirty word conflated with dominance, manipulation, and exploitation. It’s up to us to bring forth something different into the world. Psychedelics and non-ordinary states are neither good nor bad in and of themselves - they are powerful and full of potential. Are you here to help bring forth something more beautiful, more joyful, more ‘successful” for you and all your relations? I am, and I would like your help please :-) The alternate byline I came up with (that was decidedly too long) read: “How curiosity, compassion and not being afraid to make it up as I go along are responsible for most of the things in my life I consider to be successes.” So I’m going to tell you about some of my favorite things that I’m doing these days that fall into this category, maybe answer some of your questions about what it’s really like to have entheogenic work be your day job, and hopefully inspire you to find the places in your life and your community where you are ready to joyfully take on the role of first goose. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow= autoplay; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>