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Mareesa Stertz

Mareesa Stertz

Apr 27 8 pm PDT

Mareesa is a professional storyteller, Steward and Communications Lead at the Global Psychedelic Society, co-founder at Lucid News, and a filmmaker who's created the documentary series, “The Healing Powers of Psychedelics", currently streaming on Gaia TV. She is on a mission to shift dominant narratives and celebrate the healing journey; and her work has taken her around the world, filming documentaries with the curanderos of Peru to the holy men of India.

She has shared her stories of working with psychedelics on stages internationally and offers storytelling workshops online and in retreats. She has been featured on Gaia TV, Viceland, Merry Jane, Double Blind, and Lucid News, and her workshops have been offered through Naropa, Laura Dawn’s Mastermind, Synthesis Institute, Beth Weinstein Programs, and Tam Integration.

All Sessions by Mareesa Stertz

Women in Psychedelics Apr 27 April 27, 2024
3:00 AM - 4:00 AM

8 pm Mareesa Stertz: The Incredible Utility of Story Frameworks to Map the Psychedelic Journey, Life, and Beyond

When it comes to shifting the dominant narratives around mental health, well being, and wholeness, it’s not only what we say, but how we say it. Recent studies are showing new and impressive ways Joseph Campbell’s "Hero's Journey" is proving useful when it comes to finding meaning within life, as well as mirroring the transformative arc of a mushroom journey. In this talk, we will explore how to us this as well as Carl Jung’s individuation frameworks to tell better stories and become more powerful agents of change.