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Martie Underwood

Martie Underwood

Apr 27 10 pm PDT

I am a Transpersonal Psychologist, and I own and operate Magalies Wellness Centre - an ibogaine treatment clinic in South Africa. We primarily work with substance use disorders and psychological disorders but also facilitate psycho-spiritual journeys for clients interested in personal development. I help clients identify the issues that disrupt physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. I use this sacred plant medicine along with my training in psychology, mindfulness, herbalism, creativity and metaphysical healing to help resolve deep-seated trauma and the associated issues. ​I hold an MSc in Transpersonal Psychology and a Diploma in Herbal Medicine. I am currently in the final stages of my PhD in Psychology, with ibogaine being my research topic.

All Sessions by Martie Underwood

Jun 7th Martie Underwood: The Ibogaine Study on the Metaphysical Dimension of Ibogaine June 7, 2024
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

To Come

Women in Psychedelics Apr 27 April 27, 2024
5:00 AM - 6:00 AM

10 pm Martie Underwood: Ethics in Psychedelics


As the use of psychedelics in the therapeutic context is becoming more mainstream, important issues are surfacing that require practitioners and participants to be cognisant of the spaces they occupy. Considering aspects such as informed consent, suggestibility, power dynamics, transference and conflicts of interest are crucial to ensure the safety of all.Â