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Megan Hardy

Megan Hardy

Apr 28 7 am PDT

Megan is a teacher, therapist, guide who draws on a diversity of modalities and bodies of wisdom to support and guide people through transition and transformation thresholds. Equipped with a multidimensional and multifaceted toolbox, Megan has a unique skill in mapping dis-ease and imbalance as manifested in one's pathologies, illnesses and addictions onto a tailored pathway of purification, deconstruction and reconfiguration. She compassionately and skillfully guides the process, while equipping clients with the appropriate tools for self-regulation, self-reflection and congruent self navigation. She is a steady and wise companion to those who are called to walk the courageous journey of deconditioning and return to the authentic self.

Her work draws on the teachings of Archetypal Depth Psychology, somatic and movement processes and practices, breathwork, mythology, astrology, alchemy, Human Design, shamanic and indigenous teachings and nature-based wisdom. Sound, music, and rhythm are core aspects of her being, and she works with frequency and vibration in ceremonial and therapeutic settings to aid in catalyzing deep change. As co-founder of Mama Mycelia, she has pioneered ground-breaking approaches in the holistic treatment of mental health dis-ease and has an unshakable passion for the repair and restoration of equilibrium and balance within individuals and community.

All Sessions by Megan Hardy