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Merav Artzi

Merav Artzi

Apr 28, 7 am PDT

Merav is trained plant medicine healer (Tabaquera-Curandera) offering ceremonies and diets with Tobacco and other Master Plants for healing and learning in Urubamba, the Sacred Valley of the Inca, Peru. At an early age, she left her native Israel to study fine arts in Europe. In 2009, while traveling in South America, she decided to go to the Amazon. Her work with Ayahuasca was the gateway to the magical world of medicinal plants. The Amazon is truly the pharmacy of the Earth. Merav has worked for eight years as a healer steeped in the knowledge of Amazonian plants, specializing in Tobacco. Before that, she apprenticed with Maestro Ernesto Garcia Torres in Iquitos. As a healer, she works with patients suffering from hormonal imbalance, anxiety, depression, addictions, trauma, and more. In addition, she gives Master Plant diets and teaches students interested in learning how to heal with Tobacco.

Alongside Tobacco, Merav work with plants like Camelonga, Ajo Macho, Rosasisa, Ajo Sacha, and trees like Ayauma, Chiric Sanango, Bellaco Caspi, and more. Master plants help to clean negative energy, negative thoughts, ancestral karma, and are helpful for mental strengthening and clarity. Each plant cures and strengthens different organs in the physical and energetic body. They connect us to other dimensions and convey specific knowledge that is unique to them. The diets help to open spiritual channels. All plants are channels to the light of creation and cosmic knowledge.

All Sessions by Merav Artzi

Women in Psychedelics Apr 28 April 28, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

7 AM Mehrav Artzi: Telling Grandfather Tobacco’s Story

In the Amazon, Tobacco is considered a universal medicine and is widely used by shamans and other traditional healers. A teacher and a guide to cosmic knowledge and the spirit world, Tobacco is called with affection “The grandfather of all plants”, one that brings blessings and protection. I will provide a short introduction to Nicotiana rustica, commonly called Aztec, Brazilian, or strong tobacco. Let me acquaint you with its ecology, history, related creation myths, and how it is used by the many different indigenous groups I have come to know during my 15 years in Amazonia, often in support of other psychedelic preparations and integration. I will also speak to the success stories I have witnessed due to its healing benefits, starting with my own—where I started and where I am now—and include the stories of those I have treated.