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Solana Booth

Solana Booth

Apr 28 1 am PDT

Solana’s roots lie with the Nooksack Nation of Washington state, the Ts’msyan of Alaska’s Metlakatla Community, and the Mohawks of Bay Quinte from Haudenoshonee Territories She is a proud and loving mother of nine and graduated summa cum laude from City University of Seattle in Early Childhood Special Education to start her healing journey raising her firstborn decades ago. Solana is a founder of the Indigenous Regenerative Wellness Center Initiative and of Advocates of the Sacred, whose mission is to champion, cultivate and integrate indigenous healing modalities. She is also the founding chair of the American Psychedelic Practitioners Association which recently published the professional practice guidelines for psychedelics in Western medicine. She promotes First Nations and Alaska Native traditional teachings by being a traditional canoe family skipper and keeper/speaker/facilitator of Ancient Knowings. In addition, Solana is a traditional hunter gatherer and medicine keeper.
She has served as a perinatal, prenatal, and post-natal psychology practitioner and lactation and birth-work educator, championing the birthing space for First Nations, Indigenous, and BIPOC pregnant people since 2016. Solana led the Indigenous birth worker/doula trainings and local Indian Health Service Healthcare Authority partnerships to support and provide care for pregnant mothers. She aids in drug and alcohol recovery, develops trainings for providers and adult learners of historical traumas, and promotes Mother’s Breath and Indigenous plant medicine education, including entheogens.

All Sessions by Solana Booth

Women in Psychedelics Apr 28 April 28, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

1 am Solana Booth: Remembering Mother’s Breath

I will invite attendees to accept that we as a human family are in an unhealthy relationship to ourselves and one another and most importantly to Mother Earth. Regardless of which happened first, we are all in tough times; we are in “the thick of it”, a term used when we are having a tough time during a plant ceremony. This sharing will be my testament to humanity and Mother Earth and healing, to having the entheogenic, spiritual experience, to remembering Mother’s Breath. Humans must heal. This is what Mother Earth is asking. Indigenous people are the original sentinels of Mother Earth. We have an intimate, informed, and evidence-based connection to her. It’s knowing that we are both made of the same elements, that we are both mostly water to start. This will be a moment of my matrilineal matriarchal lineage to express the story of remembering Mother’s Breath, a story of how deeply connected we are to Mother Earth as a human family and how we can reframe the dysfunction happening among all of us right now and restore the spiritual connection that binds us to each other, to essence, and to Mother Earth.