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Join the Directory of Practitioners

Directory of Practitioners

This is a curated directory of practitioners. If you are a Iboga/Ibogaine treatment provider– clinic, shaman, therapist, facilitator, coach, retreat center, or have some other supplementary modality, please fill out this form to get listed in our directory.

Join the Directory of Practitioners

  • Please enter your name or company name here
  • Please upload your profile picture here, or if a company the logo of your business
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • A detailed general description of your service, offering or area of authority.
  • Please enter a brief one or two line description for the directory listing page
  • Please check all that apply
  • Please check all that apply
  • Please copy and paste one or two testimonials or you tube links
  • Please enter your webaddress
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.