Google Fonts

400: Too many fonts requested for Internet Explorer

Please request fewer web fonts for Internet Explorer or only the fonts which are used on this page. Older versions of Internet Explorer block and download ALL requested web fonts, whether they are used or not.

Requested (7) web fonts: Family{name=Abel, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v18} (style: normal, weight: 400),Family{name=Bakbak One, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v9} (style: normal, weight: 400),Family{name=Cormorant Garamond, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v16} (style: normal, weight: 400),Family{name=Montserrat, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v29} (style: normal, weight: 400, {wght=400.0}),Family{name=Philosopher, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v20} (style: normal, weight: 400),Family{name=Roboto Condensed, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v27} (style: normal, weight: 400, {wght=400.0}),Family{name=Ubuntu, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v20} (style: normal, weight: 400)

For reference, see the Google Fonts API documentation.

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700;font-display: swap;src: url( format('woff2');} Topics |

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Collective Wisdom Blogs

What is Organic Integration by Deanne Adamson, Women in Psychedelics Apr 2024

What is Organic Integration by Deanne Adamson, Women in Psychedelics Apr 2024

When and how do the lasting benefits of psychedelic therapies show up in a person’s life? What is that process that makes it so? How does one ensure their time, energy, and efforts count? What is organic integration and why is this essential to getting good, pure, and lasting results? What do facilitators, sitters, coaches, and supporters need to know about integration that is not being spoken about?

Welcome to the Polemics of Jack

Welcome to the Polemics of Jack

​The Polemics, as I lovingly refer to my writings, are intended to be a collection of short articles, art-i-facts, journey notes, diagrams, ecstatic poetry, slights-of-hand with Compass, Square and Pen, written exclusively under the influence of Mind-Soul-Manifesting Agents, secret and sacred. For those not familiar with the word ‘polemic,’ it means ‘WAR,’ and every man is Jack.

Entheogens: Master Plant Sacraments

Entheogens: Master Plant Sacraments

Entheogens: Master Plant Sacraments poster is a printed 17″x 52″ high-resolution art poster that is a visual map and guide to the plant sacraments ayahuasca, iboga and ibogaine, psilocybin, san pedro, and peyote. It is a labor of love created by Awake Media. All proceeds go towards FEAT the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment.

Patient D: Microdosing Ibogaine for Parkinson’s

Patient D: Microdosing Ibogaine for Parkinson’s

Interviewed by Lakshmi Narayan and Eric SwensonAt the time of this interview in 2019, Patient D was a 76-year old individual who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s five years before and was able to manage and improve his symptoms by microdosing ibogaine. He passed away in...

A Journey in Word 2 by Jack Cross

A Journey in Word 2 by Jack Cross

There is a holographic awakening to be had from the words and letters of the English/Latin alphabet and author and psychonaut Jack Cross un-spells the Way in Part 2 of his series “A Journey in Word. The video is a mesmerizing visual experience that will put you...

Addiction and the Core Wound with Deanne Adamson

Addiction and the Core Wound with Deanne Adamson

How does IBOGA work in a single treatment when traditional rehab and therapies fail? The answer is simple. It gets to the root cause. In the opinion of addiction expert Dr. Gabor Maté, who has worked with hundreds of addicts in the course of his practice, addiction is...

The Tree of Tough Love: An Interview with Ben De Loenen

The Tree of Tough Love: An Interview with Ben De Loenen

Benjamin De Loenen is the founder of ICEERS (International Center for Ethnobotanical Research, Education & Service) a philanthropic non-profit whose mission is to educate humanity about the power of plant medicines through gathering, researching, and sharing...

Creativity is my Currency

Creativity is my Currency

Two things have been constants in my life for over forty years. One is Graphic Design, and the other is the I Ching or Book of Changes as it is called by the Chinese. Both things are talking about pretty much the same thing — how to find harmony, beauty, and...


I am excited to announce the launch of our flagship FEAT Journey of Rebirth, a nine-month initiatory pathway to heal and awaken. Attend our free event to learn aboutibogaine, an ancient I am excited to announce the launch of our flagship FEAT Journey of Rebirth, a...

Hexagram 45: Gathering Together, Assembling

Hexagram 45: Gathering Together, Assembling

above  TUI  THE JOYOUS, LAKE below  K’UN  THE RECEPTIVE, EARTHThis hexagram is related in form and meaning to Pi, HOLDING TOGETHER (8). In the latter, water is over the earth; here a lake is over the earth. But since the lake is a place where water collects, the...

Hexagram 1: The Creative

Hexagram 1: The Creative

Ch’ien / The Creative above  CH’IEN  THE CREATIVE, HEAVEN below  CH’IEN  THE CREATIVE, HEAVENThe first hexagram is made up of six unbroken lines. These unbroken lines stand for the primal power, which is light-giving, active, strong, and of the...

Anders Beatty on Addiction & Ibogaine  • Episode 45 • Free •

Anders Beatty on Addiction & Ibogaine • Episode 45 • Free •

This latest episode features Anders Beatty, who has created a protocol for pre-treatment ibogaine counseling and coaching that has become a fundamental protocol for key ibogaine providers. Anders shoots from the hip, which I so appreciate. He shares candidly about his own addiction experience and his resultant ibogaine treatment that dramatically changed his life and brought him to the counseling work he does today.

Anders speaks to the merits and pitfalls of Alcoholics Anonymous and gets into the psychology of addiction, which is the symptom of the problem – it’s ultimately about the relationship we have with ourselves based on our conditioning. Another major topic of addiction is screens, and he has a lot to say on that element of the addiction spectrum, which is a worldwide issue.

In the second hour Anders shares a stirringly poignant story about his Ibogaine experience that brought tears to my eyes and will stay with me for a long time to come. He explains the importance of preparation for ritual, and the essential need for pre-treatment to prepare the individual for the Ibogaine experience. We hear about the importance of integration after the fact but it is every bit as essential to have support and preparation before such a dramatically life-changing initiation. The insights and wisdom that Anders so generously shares will both inform and inspire, whether or not you or someone you know struggles with addiction in its multiple expressions.


Playing Cards or Map of Life? • Episode 44 • Free •

Playing Cards or Map of Life? • Episode 44 • Free •

I have been working with tarot and other cards for the past twenty years and have always appreciated the insight received. For the past ten years I’ve utilized cards with my retreat clients and online counseling clients when appropriate, as a way to cull from the deep psyche to reveal elements that can be addressed and explored, and to draw forth counsel and direction. It has been only in the last few years that I discovered a system that uses regular playing cards combined with one’s date of birth to provide the most astonishingly accurate information on the personality and life path – or quite literally – the cards we’ve been dealt for this incarnation. In addition, with this system one can see the themes along with certain people that will be coming over the course of the year, from birthday to birthday. That in itself can be extremely helpful for that important head’s up of what’s to come. You can find your birth card on the image above.
My first experience with this card system was with someone who accurately predicted these last 2 ½ years of my life. In all the years I’ve worked with astrologists I have never received that level of accuracy and detail. Needless to say, this subject has utterly captivated me and I have made an earnest study of what is actually an ancient mathematical system with a specific structure and formula that is in alignment with the laws of earth and sky. Everything in a regular deck of playing cards is mathematically connected to our calendar. Who would ever suspect that?
In the first hour of this episode, I explore the history of playing cards, touching on cartomancy, then delving into the rich symbolism of the cards in this ancient system, and there is a lot of symbolism to be gleaned, I assure you. The second hour covers examples of the planetary influences over the influences of the cards themselves in a number of real-life examples of people I’ve read for. And yes, I am officially opening my doors to offer readings for those interested in exploring the inner workings of their persona and life path, their yearlong forecast or an in-depth look at a relationship. These readings are comprehensive and will provide those interested with information that is hugely helpful and illuminating. This is my new Readings page:  (Link Here)

I will hope for the privilege of sharing in your mystery. Enjoy this episode!


The Trivium: A Timeless Gift from the Sages of the Past • Episode 43 • Free •

The Trivium: A Timeless Gift from the Sages of the Past • Episode 43 • Free •

I have been wanting to do an episode on the Trivium for awhile and finally, here it is. The Trivium means, “where 3 roads meet.” It is the foundation of a true classical education that historically included character formation and development. It’s composed of 3 primary subjects, Grammar, Logic/Dialectic, and Rhetoric. The Trivium is a scientific method that serves as the preparation for learning that has been used from antiquity through the centuries to produce thoughtful individuals who can reason and think critically, speak eloquently and persuasively, and hold knowledge from numerous areas of study.

The Trivium and the Quadrivium, known as the 7 Liberal Arts, are not taught in public and most private schools and colleges, leaving the majority of people bereft of this great cultivation of the human mind. It is reserved primarily for the elite private schools that cater to the children the very wealthy and powerful, similar to ancient Greece, where it was taught only to the free. The good news is that we can avail ourselves of this study to improve our grasp of language, learn the art of logical assessment, and speak persuasively and eloquently.

In the first hour I discuss the basics of grammar and logic and end with a few Logical Fallacies, which are flaws in reasoning. The second hour continues with the Fallacies and flows into the study of Rhetoric, where I explain the basics of creating an effective presentation. I also cover tried and true rhetorical techniques for speaking and presenting both written and verbal communication in order to stand out from the crowd. In addition, I discuss Aristotle’s teachings on the virtues, to inspire the mind and spirit.
Learning the arts of the Trivium delivers true empowerment and as well, it is the ultimate anti-gaslighting tool!

Flood of Fire – an Iboga Experience

Flood of Fire – an Iboga Experience

Trigger Warning: Iboga is one of the most powerful psychedelics in the world. This trip was certainly one of the strongest experiences of my life and I have tripped many hundreds of times, more than a few of which have been devastatingly intense. This report contains...

The Silver Branch and the Otherworld • Episode 42 • Free •

The Silver Branch and the Otherworld • Episode 42 • Free •

Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue joins me once again to discuss his new book, The Silver Branch and the Otherworld, which is a kind of user’s manual for real and profound connection to the spirits and cycles of nature, the ancestors, the trees and plants and the Otherworld inhabitants. That such a book would come forward at this time when the world is falling apart at the seams is notable. One might ask how such a book would have any relevance to us today. Thus, this episode where Seán speaks to how we, as people, possess the innate ability to communicate and perceive the ever-present subtle messages from the natural world, seen and unseen.

The first hour explores the body/mind system of the ancient Gaels – the Three Cauldrons – their function, and how to engage and support them. I asked Seán if an ally like psilocybin mushrooms would assist one to more fully embrace these body centers, and that initiated a fascinating weave of how to approach the mushroom, the dangers of psychiatric/medical establishment control of psychedelic experiences and much more.

The second hour explores the cross-quarter festivals on the Gaelic wheel of the year, trees as elders and memory keepers, a very interesting viewpoint on A.I. technologies, and more. Seán is steeped in the language, myth and culture of his Irish heritage, and his depth of knowledge is a great gift to those of us who are eager to be touched by that beauty. He will be teaching a class on the Silver Branch and the Otherworld beginning September 11th through October 30th and you can learn more about that here:

Astrological Magic with Christopher Warnock • Episode 41 • Free •

Astrological Magic with Christopher Warnock • Episode 41 • Free •

Christopher Warnock is known as “the father of the traditional astrological magic revival” and the “elder statesman” of astrological magic.” In addition to his teaching and writing, he creates energetically potent talismans using precise election times based on the movements of the constellations, following the wisdom of the Picatrix, a tenth-century Arabic text on astrological magic. With John Michael Greer, Christopher translated the Latin text to English in 2010. Two of his astrological talismans now reside in the British Museum as part of their permanent collection. In addition, Christopher has been initiated in two Japanese Buddhist lineages as well as the Soto Zen lineage of Dainin Katagiri.

The magicians of the ancient world were scholars and philosophers and they understood the inner workings of Nature. In this fascinating interview Christopher brings his great wealth of knowledge to the table, beginning with the prevailing modern world view of “atheistic materialism” as opposed to traditional magic and astrology, which have a spiritual basis. He touches on horary astrology, which is ancient. Horary involves answering a querent’s question at the current time and place the question was asked. A chart is created and the practitioner then makes their determination. Chris has done a few thousand of these over the years and has created a course on his site for those interested. He also discusses traditional astrology and chart reading, and of course covers talismans in great detail. I plan to study under him this fall, as he is one of the foremost experts on Renaissance astrological magic and he is a superb teacher.

I hope you enjoy this episode!

Christopher’s Website:

Youtube Channel:

Fate, Planetary Influences and More, with Astrologist Elsa Panizzon • Episode 40 • Free •

Fate, Planetary Influences and More, with Astrologist Elsa Panizzon • Episode 40 • Free •

Astrology is an ancient science that traces its roots back 4000 years to Babylonia and Chaldea. One is well served to have a basic understanding of the workings of the cosmos and as well, a connection to a good astrologist. I am always fascinated by the winding path to one’s purpose in life and this episode’s guest has a most extraordinary story. Elsa Panizzon was introduced to astrology at the age of 8 and at 15 she left a horribly abusive home and set out on her own. Through a consistent flow of serendipitous happenings she eventually found her way back to astrology, clearly illustrating how fate so brilliantly operates. As a result of her challenging early life Elsa’s astrology practice has specialized in assisting clients with trauma as well as relationship and individual chart readings for over thirty years.

The first hour focuses on her unique and fated story, then flows into astrological House Systems. Elsa works with Equal Houses, which is uncommon today, and she shares her insights on that system and more. She takes every opportunity throughout the conversation to highlight the astrology in one’s personality, actions, thinking, and events, which helps show how intrinsic these influences are in our everyday reality.

The second hour covers where to look to learn astrology, which is overwhelming. Elsa offered some understanding of Pluto in Aquarius, which is a phase we’ll all be navigating for the next twenty years, involving the ubiquitous use of A.I. over real world, tangible reality, and a major transformation of the individual.

Elsa is brassy, direct and super sharp and she knows her stuff. I think you will enjoy listening to this very genuine, no-nonsense woman who provides essential wisdom and guidance to so many.


Annie Oak: Harm Reduction for Psychedelic Communities

Annie Oak: Harm Reduction for Psychedelic Communities

Annie Oak has created harm reduction strategies for psychedelic events and communities since 2007. She will talk about how to develop safety systems for gatherings where people may be exploring psychedelics. These strategies include structures for mental health...

Jason Grechanik: A Deep Dive into Dieting Plants • Episode 39 • Free •

Jason Grechanik: A Deep Dive into Dieting Plants • Episode 39 • Free •

Jason Grechanik has apprenticed for many years in the Amazon under the instruction of traditional teachers that include maestro Ernesto Garcia Torres. There, he learned the sacred art of plant dieting through his apprenticeship training that included prolonged isolation, and fasting. He was given the blessing to work as Tabaquero until eventually he was given the ability to dispense diets. He is a wealth of information on this subject and he runs dietas in the Sacred Valley of Peru and abroad. He is very well-spoken and shares beautifully on this subject. It was such a pleasure interviewing him.

In the first hour, Jason discusses what it is to diet a plant or a tree, entering into relationship through ancient practices of isolation, observation and communion. He shares his knowledge and wisdom on tobacco, which is sacred in many traditions. In hour two Jason discusses his work, the disconnect of humans from nature, shamanic dreaming and the imagination, and his initiation into fatherhood. So much good wisdom from this beautiful man!

Tavistock and Our Manipulated Reality • Episode 38 • Free •

Tavistock and Our Manipulated Reality • Episode 38 • Free •

What the majority of people do not realize is that our reality is being created for us and our minds controlled and steered by people with far greater understanding of the inner workings of the psyche than the average person. Propaganda and brainwashing are ancient methods for controlling a body of people. With the formation of the Tavistock Institute in 1913 by the British royal family, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, those methods developed into highly sophisticated techniques utilizing government, military, psychiatry, media/entertainment, education and other areas of society to steer the minds of the people toward what a privileged few desire for them.

Scholars, Steve and Krys Crimi, the publishers at Logosophia Books, join me for a deep dive into the inception and methodologies of the Tavistock Institute. This information is vitally important for people to understand, as we have all been indoctrinated and continue to be influenced on multiple layers, and this includes the psychedelic arena. Only when we can recognize what is covertly influencing our thoughts and actions can we free ourselves from its grasp. There is so much good information covered in hours 1 and 2, including ways to counter mind control. Please join us for a very illuminating conversation that serves ultimately to break the spell and free the mind.

Bernhard Reicher: Magic and the Imagination • Episode 37 • Free •

Bernhard Reicher: Magic and the Imagination • Episode 37 • Free •

I discovered Bernhard’s work via the Magical Egypt podcast ( ) and promptly signed up for his Magical Castle experience, which was so palpable and stirring that I continue to work with it today. Bernhard is an occultist, animist, storyteller, and founder of Magieschule / Magic School, founded in 2018, where he teaches magic in online courses and live seminars. Bernhard is all about the training of the imagination, the inner realm, to affect the outer realm. In our modern culture the imagination is dismissed and diminished, so I find this to be not only refreshing but highly important in terms of the infinite possibility imaginal work holds. Bernhard is one of the nicest, most approachable people you could meet and I just knew I had to share him with you.

In the first hour Bernhard shares about his family background and how he came into the fascinating work he does today. He touches on his relationship to the Lord of the Forest, Cernunnos/Pan, and shares about a highly challenging, wrenching experience he had with Iboga. The second hour explores the training of the imagination, mediumship, his school, and so much more. Good stuff here for those of you who know darn well there is far more to this reality than meets the eye.


The Polemics of Jack

by Jack Cross

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behind the seen iboga savesv2 2048x1152