Astrological Magic with Christopher Warnock • Episode 41 • Free •

Astrological Magic with Christopher Warnock • Episode 41
Christopher Warnock is known as “the father of the traditional astrological magic revival” and the “elder statesman” of astrological magic.” In addition to his teaching and writing, he creates energetically potent talismans using precise election times based on the movements of the constellations, following the wisdom of the Picatrix, a tenth-century Arabic text on astrological magic. With John Michael Greer, Christopher translated the Latin text to English in 2010. Two of his astrological talismans now reside in the British Museum as part of their permanent collection. In addition, Christopher has been initiated in two Japanese Buddhist lineages as well as the Soto Zen lineage of Dainin Katagiri.
The magicians of the ancient world were scholars and philosophers and they understood the inner workings of Nature. In this fascinating interview Christopher brings his great wealth of knowledge to the table, beginning with the prevailing modern world view of “atheistic materialism” as opposed to traditional magic and astrology, which have a spiritual basis. He touches on horary astrology, which is ancient. Horary involves answering a querent’s question at the current time and place the question was asked. A chart is created and the practitioner then makes their determination. Chris has done a few thousand of these over the years and has created a course on his site for those interested. He also discusses traditional astrology and chart reading, and of course covers talismans in great detail. I plan to study under him this fall, as he is one of the foremost experts on Renaissance astrological magic and he is a superb teacher.
I hope you enjoy this episode!
Christopher’s Website:
Youtube Channel:
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