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Anders Beatty ibogaine coach talks about preparing for a monomythic journey with ibogaine

Iboga Saves: Ending Addiction, Event 1 Sept 4, 2024 Replay:      ...

What is Organic Integration by Deanne Adamson, Women in Psychedelics Apr 2024

When and how do the lasting benefits of psychedelic therapies show up in a person’s life? What is that process that makes it so? How does one ensure their time, energy, and efforts count? What is organic integration and why is this essential to getting good, pure, and lasting results? What do facilitators, sitters, coaches, and supporters need to know about integration that is not being spoken about?

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse: My Journey with Ibogaine Therapy at Awakening In The Dream Treatment Center

As I sit down to write this article, I am filled with a sense of both trepidation and liberation. For years, I have carried the heavy burden of growing up with a narcissistic father, enduring the emotional scars and deep-seated wounds inflicted by his abuse. Yet,...


In the M-iddle, at the bottom of the ‘U,’ of yo-U, between the ‘M’ and the ‘N’ in the ‘MUN’ of Com-MUN-ion, when and where the ‘I’ is M-i-N-i-M-ised, at the bottom of a c-U-p, a c-U-pel, a cr-U-cible, the Holy Grail.

The Hidden Meaning of THIS

The Hidden Meaning of THIS

Before I had ever been to New York City, I had a dream that I was there on a busy street near the corner of a tall building, and there was this black guy standing behind these large dark wooden carvings that were like paintings, but carved into wood. I’d say they were about 4 feet wide by 5 feet tall, and I noticed that in each one of these very beautiful and intricate carvings was hidden the word THIS.

The Bards of Bardo

The Bards of Bardo

IN THE PLACID TERROR of ecstatic contemplation, revelation comes not by deduction or induction, but by disintegration and integration. Here, melting into the kaleidoscopic wings of a Butterfly,

How to Catch a Dragon

How to Catch a Dragon

Surrender. Be still. Receive. The fork of the tongue, the barb of the Tale. Breathe.Unspell ‘preen,’ from the latin ‘ungere,’ ‘ANOINT.’ Rinse and...

The Morphemes of Hallelujah

The Morphemes of Hallelujah

‘JAH’ is a Map of God in morpheme structure. The ‘J’ is an A-XIS POLE MADE OF LIGHT, a flame, the Wizard’s Magic Wand, burning inside the First Letter of the ‘A-lphabet,’ a cone.

The Polemics of Jack

The Mushroom’s Apprentice

Gaia’s Pharmacy by Dr. Drew

The Ibogaine Evangelist

  • Lakshmi Narayan
  • Shonagh Home
  • Jack Cross
  • Anders Beatty
  • Dr. Andrew Maclean Pagon
  • Eric Swenson