What is a Psilocybin Sacred Ceremony?
A psychedelic medicine ceremony is a therapeutic healing experience that provides a release of feelings and resolution of past trauma, it opens up a broader state of consciousness where everything in life makes more sense and life feels in better balance. Psychedelic...
Amanita Muscaria to Treat Benzodiazepine Dependency
Benzo Dependency Benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Klonopin and Valium are potent depressant drugs that interact with the GABA neurotransmitter system and are effective anxiolytics. “Benzos” can be some of the most useful medications at interrupting an acute panic attack...
It All Becomes a Chorus Line or Why We Need a Return to Original Knowledge
Religions, and the traditions and rituals that surround them are the remnants of an inner experience of knowing God such as that offered by moments of extreme suffering or joy, or through the consuming of an entheogenic master plant sacrament like iboga, ayahuasca,...
The Etymology of Healing
THIS Etymology of Healing revolves around the Greek name ‘Jason,’ and an enTheogenic and esoteric explanation of why ‘Jason’ means ‘HEALER.’ ‘EnTheogenic,’ meaning, ‘GENERATING-THE-DIVINE-WITHIN,’ ‘esoteric,’ meaning, ‘SECRET.’ And yet, you read on. There’s a cure in...
YOU are the Medicine (aka the Risk of Psychedelics) by Deus Fortune
Over the last few years psychedelics has gone mainstream and many people are seeking them out with very little understanding of the territory they are stepping into. They’ve often listened to an interesting podcast, watched an insightful Netflix documentary, or...
The Language of Unity: An interview with Jack Cross about Entheogens, Shamanism and the Geometric structure of the English/Latin Alphabet
The compass and square are ‘instruments of measurement,’ to measure the ‘MENT,’ the ‘MIND.’ Interestingly, the compass and square are tools ‘belonging to a carpenter.’ Got wood?
Donate to fund Kat’s ibogaine treatment to end opioid addiction
[give_form id=”258450″ show_title=”true” show_goal=”true” show_content=”above” display_style=”onpage”] WHERE THE MONEY GOES $7,500-10,000 ibogaine treatment +10-day stay at approved clinic$500 Awake.net...
Donate to Mike L’s FEAT Treatment to End Opioid Addiction
Video Transcript: So, yeah, I’ve been on pain meds, opioid pain meds for at least 15 years now. I think it actually is a little bit longer I tell you the truth. And, you know, I’ve been thinking for years that I’d like to get off of them. But I had...
Memorial Service for ibogaine evangelist Bob Sisko
07/12/2022 to 07/12/2022, 06:00 pm to 09:00 pm, EST New York Time ZOOM LINK https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6193667788?pwd=T1FtZmlOZHZObmczc2dWTlJQOTI5QT09 Lotsof was unable to obtain ibogaine after 1963 due to the intervention of the FDA, and in 1967 the United States...
Integrating Ibogaine for Opioid Addiction moderated by Jeff Kamlet MD, CMO of Beond.us, Jul 25, 2022
A free discussion and sharing circle about how to prepare for, navigate, and integrate a flood-dose ibogaine treatment for addiction recovery. Moderated by Jeffrey Kamlet MD, CMO, www.Beond.us, and Board Medical Advisor, Awake FEAT program to end opioid addiction. A much needed topic of discussion in the face of one overdose death every 8 minutes or so! JUL 25, 8:30 PM EST ONLINE