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APRIL 19, 2024, 10 - 11 AM MTN

The Ibogaine Evangelist

The Archetypes of Addiction with Anders Beatty

SUNDAY, APR 21st, 2-3 PM PST

Bard in Bardo: An Afternoon of Psychedelic Poetry

Join us at a free Awake event on Zoom

SAT-SUN, APR 27 & 28, 25 hour event

Women in Psychedelics

24 sspeakers from around the world


In 2023, more than 107,000 people died of overdose in the US. In 2024,’s is initiating a countermovement called 10,000 Rebirths, a philanthropic proposal to Save Lives and End Addiction one ibogaine treatment at a time.

Apply now for the FEAT program to fund your ibogaine treatment to end hard addictions like opioid and meth. is a non-profit social impact network envisioned as a collaborative gathering place for the entheogenic community to share knowledge, narratives, best practices, research, and guidance about the entheogenic experience to quicken a transformation in human consciousness and culture.


Awake’s non-profit mission is to help end addiction by providing individual ibogaine treatment and integration grants and guidance through FEAT, the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment. All funds and membership dues raised through this platform are dedicated to the success of FEAT.

FEAT logo 01 1

Fund for Entheogenic
Addiction Treatments

featfriend icon 03



Includes a WordPress Website & Hosting on
Awake Media’s Green Hosting Servers 

Searchable Personal Profile Listing in the Directory

Create Zoom Groups & Forums

Crowdfund your Cause in Minutes

Upload Tools for Integration to share with others

Help Save a Life.
Your Membership Fees go Directly into the FEAT FUND to provide ibogaine treatments and integration support for people seeking to end opioid and other hard addictions





lakshmi narayan round 03

Lakshmi Narayan,
Co-founder and President
Chairperson, Board Director
Sedona, AZ
Designer, writer, I Ching teacher

jack cross round 03

Jack Cross
Secretary, Board Director

Sedona, AZ
Ecstatic poet, writer, psychonaut

shonagh home round 03

Shonagh Home
Shamanic Therapist
Board Director
Round Hill, VA
Writer, poet,

dr andrew maclean pagon

Dr. Andrew Maclean Pagon
Physician, Psychiatrist, Psychonaut
Board Director
Tarapoto, Peru


We are assembling a new board for phase two of our adventures and endeavors. If you would like to serve please contact


Jason Grechanik: A Deep Dive into Dieting Plants • Episode 39 • Free •

Jason Grechanik: A Deep Dive into Dieting Plants • Episode 39 • Free •

Jason Grechanik has apprenticed for many years in the Amazon under the instruction of traditional teachers that include maestro Ernesto Garcia Torres. There, he learned the sacred art of plant dieting through his apprenticeship training that included prolonged isolation, and fasting. He was given the blessing to work as Tabaquero until eventually he was given the ability to dispense diets. He is a wealth of information on this subject and he runs dietas in the Sacred Valley of Peru and abroad. He is very well-spoken and shares beautifully on this subject. It was such a pleasure interviewing him.

In the first hour, Jason discusses what it is to diet a plant or a tree, entering into relationship through ancient practices of isolation, observation and communion. He shares his knowledge and wisdom on tobacco, which is sacred in many traditions. In hour two Jason discusses his work, the disconnect of humans from nature, shamanic dreaming and the imagination, and his initiation into fatherhood. So much good wisdom from this beautiful man!

Tavistock and Our Manipulated Reality • Episode 38 • Free •

Tavistock and Our Manipulated Reality • Episode 38 • Free •

What the majority of people do not realize is that our reality is being created for us and our minds controlled and steered by people with far greater understanding of the inner workings of the psyche than the average person. Propaganda and brainwashing are ancient methods for controlling a body of people. With the formation of the Tavistock Institute in 1913 by the British royal family, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, those methods developed into highly sophisticated techniques utilizing government, military, psychiatry, media/entertainment, education and other areas of society to steer the minds of the people toward what a privileged few desire for them.

Scholars, Steve and Krys Crimi, the publishers at Logosophia Books, join me for a deep dive into the inception and methodologies of the Tavistock Institute. This information is vitally important for people to understand, as we have all been indoctrinated and continue to be influenced on multiple layers, and this includes the psychedelic arena. Only when we can recognize what is covertly influencing our thoughts and actions can we free ourselves from its grasp. There is so much good information covered in hours 1 and 2, including ways to counter mind control. Please join us for a very illuminating conversation that serves ultimately to break the spell and free the mind.

Bernhard Reicher: Magic and the Imagination • Episode 37 • Free •

Bernhard Reicher: Magic and the Imagination • Episode 37 • Free •

I discovered Bernhard’s work via the Magical Egypt podcast ( ) and promptly signed up for his Magical Castle experience, which was so palpable and stirring that I continue to work with it today. Bernhard is an occultist, animist, storyteller, and founder of Magieschule / Magic School, founded in 2018, where he teaches magic in online courses and live seminars. Bernhard is all about the training of the imagination, the inner realm, to affect the outer realm. In our modern culture the imagination is dismissed and diminished, so I find this to be not only refreshing but highly important in terms of the infinite possibility imaginal work holds. Bernhard is one of the nicest, most approachable people you could meet and I just knew I had to share him with you.

In the first hour Bernhard shares about his family background and how he came into the fascinating work he does today. He touches on his relationship to the Lord of the Forest, Cernunnos/Pan, and shares about a highly challenging, wrenching experience he had with Iboga. The second hour explores the training of the imagination, mediumship, his school, and so much more. Good stuff here for those of you who know darn well there is far more to this reality than meets the eye.
