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Is Iboga Endangered?

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The I Ching for Integration, Healing and Growth with Lakshmi Narayan • Episode 20 • Free •

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The I Ching for Integration, Healing and Growth with Lakshmi Narayan • Episode 20 • Free •

Lakshmi Narayan has been a decades-long student of the I Ching, the oldest known oracular system that hails from ancient China. It is a system that confers timeless wisdom, and it is as relevant today as it was when it was created. In her effort to support those on a path of healing after an ibogaine journey, (or any other psychedelic) Lakshmi has made available a superb mentorship program titled, Change Your Character. The course consists of nine hexagrams that serve as “a framework and philosophy for change and right-action, and as a way to ground the transformations initiated in the altered state into a new way of being in the world.” The course is a tremendous assist for anyone seeking to develop themselves, whether they work with psychedelics or not, they will gain a deeper understanding of the I Ching.

A Conversation on Magic and More with Vanese McNeill • Episode 12 • Free •

Mam Vanese
A Conversation on Magic and More with Vanese McNeill • Episode 12 • Free •

Vanese McNeill is the Executive Producer of the cult classic series, Magical Egypt. In addition she hosts a fascinating podcast where she converses with unique and brilliant thinkers on the subjects of ancient Egypt, magic, consciousness, human potential and more. Her solo podcast talks are not to be missed and she delivers the goods with her insight and wit. She also happens to be a dear friend of mine and I savor every opportunity to sit in conversation with her.

Rune Magic with Tina Kemp • Episode 16 • Free •

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Rune Magic with Tina Kemp • Episode 16 • Free •

For those who are fascinated with Runes I have a special guest for you. I met Tina Kemp through the Women of Wisdom conference where she and I had a discussion on magic and I was so impressed with her wealth of knowledge on the subject.

Integrating Ibogaine for Opioid Addiction moderated by Jeff Kamlet MD, CMO of, Jul 25, 2022

A free discussion and sharing circle about how to prepare for, navigate, and integrate a flood-dose ibogaine treatment for addiction recovery. Moderated by Jeffrey Kamlet MD, CMO,, and Board Medical Advisor, Awake FEAT program to end opioid addiction. A much needed topic of discussion in the face of one overdose death every 8 minutes or so! JUL 25, 8:30 PM EST ONLINE