Do you have a message that can change the world? A technique for transforming consciousness? An idea that can influence culture? BECOME AN AWAKE MEDIAMAKER Awakening With Entheogens APPLY TO TEACH OR PRESENT AT AWE 2024 All Categories Entheogens Shamanism Ayahuasca...
MAR 27 I Awakenings & Epiphanies: Catalyzed by Entheogens & Other Life Events I Sunday Speaker Series
AWAKENINGS & EPIPHANIES CATALYZED BY ENTHEOGENS AND LIFE EVENTS AWAKE SUNDAY SPEAKER SERIES MAR 27, 2022, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm PST HOSTED BY LAKSHMI NARAYAN, KRIS SHANKAR & TIM CEBULA What does it mean to awaken? Is it a peak experience that lasts forever? Is...
Repositioning Psychedelics in the Collective Consciousness
“I once heard of a behavioral study conducted at a university, years ago, long before I became interested in altered states of consciousness, that involved a group of chimpanzees who were placed in a room with a metal ladder, and in the middle of the...
Welcome to the Polemics of Jack
The Polemics, as I lovingly refer to my writings, are intended to be a collection of short articles, art-i-facts, journey notes, diagrams, ecstatic poetry, slights-of-hand with Compass, Square and Pen, written exclusively under the influence of Mind-Soul-Manifesting Agents, secret and sacred. For those not familiar with the word ‘polemic,’ it means ‘WAR,’ and every man is Jack.
Change Your Character: Nine Hexagrams for Rebirth by Lakshmi Narayan
Transcendental Objects
The “Transcendental Object at the End of Time” IS SYMBOLIZED BY the ‘J’ and the ‘T’ of ob-J-ec-T itself, ‘J-ec-T,’ ‘TO THROW,’ from ‘jacere,’ composed of the ‘JA’ morpheme OF ‘JA[H]’ + ‘cere,’ meaning ‘PURE.’
You Were Born for These Times by Shonagh Home
“I’m surrounded by people telling me these are the end of days. I’m surrounded by people telling me that statistically there’s no way out. Do you think I’m gonna take that remotely seriously? No. Because life is more magical than that. Stories are far more unexpected...
Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatments
by Lakshmi Narayan Four years ago I set out to make a documentary called Iboga Saves with co-producer Eric Thiermann of Impact Creative. We raised an initial round of crowdfunding, just under $20k enough to get around 40-50 hours of footage. We filmed dozens of...
Entheogens: Master Plant Sacraments
Entheogens: Master Plant Sacraments poster is a printed 17″x 52″ high-resolution art poster that is a visual map and guide to the plant sacraments ayahuasca, iboga and ibogaine, psilocybin, san pedro, and peyote. It is a labor of love created by Awake Media. All proceeds go towards FEAT the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment.
Meet me in the Mushroom with Cathy Coyle
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