In 2023, more than 107,000 people died of overdose in the US. In 2024, Awake.net’s is initiating a countermovement called 10,000 Rebirths, a philanthropic proposal to Save Lives and End Addiction one ibogaine treatment at a time.
Apply now for the FEAT program to fund your ibogaine treatment to end hard addictions like opioid and meth.
 Awake.net is a non-profit social impact network envisioned as a collaborative gathering place for the entheogenic community to share knowledge, narratives, best practices, research, and guidance about the entheogenic experience to quicken a transformation in human consciousness and culture.
Awake’s non-profit mission is to help end addiction by providing individual ibogaine treatment and integration grants and guidance through FEAT, the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment. All funds and membership dues raised through this platform are dedicated to the success of FEAT.
Fund for Entheogenic
Addiction Treatments
Includes a WordPress Website & Hosting on
Awake Media’s Green Hosting ServersÂ
Searchable Personal Profile Listing in the Directory
Crowdfund your Cause in Minutes
Upload Tools for Integration to share with others
Help Save a Life.
Your Membership Fees go Directly into the FEAT FUND to provide ibogaine treatments and integration support for people seeking to end opioid and other hard addictions
Alanna Moore On the Invisible Dimensions • Episode 34 • Free •
Alanna Moore is an experienced geomancer, specializing in correcting geopathic stress created by underground streams and lines of magnetic energy. She is also a “sensitive” and communicates with spirits both human and of nature. She has authored 11 books, her latest, titled, Fairy Haunts of Ireland: A Guide to Magical, Uplifting and Supernatural Sites for Accessing the Ancient Spiritual Heritage of Ireland and Participating in her Ever-Luminous Otherworld Continuum.
In the first hour Alanna shares how she came into the art of dowsing and later founded Geomantica, the influential magazine on natural living, eco-awareness and psychic development through dowsing. She discusses the “yin” energies of the earth, the aboriginal people of Australia where she once lived, nature spirits, faerie haunts of Ireland, dowsing as communication system with the spirits of place, and more.
In the second hour Alanna focuses on the effects of electromagnetic radiation from wifi, cellphones, towers, etc. and offers ways to counter it. She is “electro-sensitive” and has researched extensively on the subject, providing an informed viewpoint on this very important issue.
Servings 4 Ready In: 2hrs 45min Calories: 610 Good For: Lunch Bobinsia A wonderful Amazonian medicinal, healing and master teacher plant Local name(s): Bobinsana Origin of the local name (s): It appears that bobinsana might be a name that has been given to the plant...
Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue on His Roots, Feri, Mushrooms & More • Episode 33 • Free •
This multi-faceted man is a wisdom keeper, teacher, healer, author and poet. Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue is deeply connected and informed by his Irish lineage and candidly shares the rich stories of his Irish roots, weaving in the mystical lore of the land of Éire. He discusses the complex role of the Church in Ireland, then shares with us his experience growing up autistic and highly intuitive. He has been initiated in the Feri Tradition and there is a wonderful story he shares about Brighid’s message to him in the fire. The first hour ends with how Seán found his way to his calling as an herbalist.
In the second hour Seán discusses how he came into communication with the spirits of the plants, his teachings by the late master herbalist, Stephen Buhner, his wisdom on psilocybin as “Elders of Gaia” and more. What an honor to share his wisdom here with you. Time very well spent!
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse: My Journey with Ibogaine Therapy at Awakening In The Dream Treatment Center
As I sit down to write this article, I am filled with a sense of both trepidation and liberation. For years, I have carried the heavy burden of growing up with a narcissistic father, enduring the emotional scars and deep-seated wounds inflicted by his abuse. Yet,...
Natalia Oganesyan: Good Medicine & the Shadow of Aya • Episode 32 • Free •
Natalia Oganesyan is a medicine woman hailing from Armenia. In the first hour of our interview she discusses her Armenian heritage, her journey on the plant medicine path, motherhood, the accrued wisdom in aging, her practice, and more. In the second hour Natalia opens up for the first time about her experience with her teacher, an ayahuasca shaman from a long traditional lineage. Here, she shares what is rarely talked about, and that is the psychological hold some shamans have on their students, and the black magic that is used in the process. It’s important to know this goes on, especially for those new to this path who are genuinely seeking help and spiritual guidance. With visionary plant and fungi so regaled today, we need to have the full story and that means the dark side too.
Veda Austin: Water As Healer • Episode 31 • Free •
I had the great privilege of interviewing water researcher, Veda Austin, recently and what she shared is nothing short of groundbreaking. The results of her research have extraordinary implications for healing in a way that can free humanity and this earth from so much suffering.
In the first hour Veda shares how she came to this research, and her backstory is truly inspiring. You will not believe what she went through before arriving at her work today. If you are unfamiliar with Veda’s work, you will learn things about water that you may never have thought possible.
In the second hour Veda focuses specifically on how to heal with water using the crystalization method she has developed. Veda is a treasure-trove of illumination for this time and what she offers is a quickening to the heart of mankind.