In 2023, more than 107,000 people died of overdose in the US. In 2024, Awake.net’s is initiating a countermovement called 10,000 Rebirths, a philanthropic proposal to Save Lives and End Addiction one ibogaine treatment at a time.
Apply now for the FEAT program to fund your ibogaine treatment to end hard addictions like opioid and meth.
 Awake.net is a non-profit social impact network envisioned as a collaborative gathering place for the entheogenic community to share knowledge, narratives, best practices, research, and guidance about the entheogenic experience to quicken a transformation in human consciousness and culture.
Awake’s non-profit mission is to help end addiction by providing individual ibogaine treatment and integration grants and guidance through FEAT, the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment. All funds and membership dues raised through this platform are dedicated to the success of FEAT.
Fund for Entheogenic
Addiction Treatments
Includes a WordPress Website & Hosting on
Awake Media’s Green Hosting ServersÂ
Searchable Personal Profile Listing in the Directory
Crowdfund your Cause in Minutes
Upload Tools for Integration to share with others
Help Save a Life.
Your Membership Fees go Directly into the FEAT FUND to provide ibogaine treatments and integration support for people seeking to end opioid and other hard addictions
La Purga
The non-psychoactive purge session aka purging, is a significant part and a common traditional practice in Upper Amazon shamanism of Peru ( as well as other places across the globe) before embarking on a medicinal shamanic dieting or entheogenic aka psychedelic plant...
Historical Trauma
Historical trauma and historical trauma response are concepts that originated in the field of psychology and psychiatry and have been used to try to understand how we deal with the long-lasting mental-emotional effects of collective and intergenerational trauma....
Clearing Mental-Emotional Blockages Creates Acceptance and Non Attachment
Opening oneself and clearing any mental-emotional and energetic blockages can indeed allow the energy of others to flow through one more freely. When one holds onto mental-emotional states and energies or resist them, it can create tension, stress and hinder the...
Medicinal Mushrooms: Nature’s Miracle Workers • Episode 17 • Free •
This next episode highlights one of Nature’s most extraordinary gifts to this world – medicinal mushrooms. I’ve taken them in dual extract form for years and have always known they are medicinal but doing the deeper research has blown my mind.
Ibogaine for the World 2022 presentation on integration
https://youtu.be/QGF1n5HflbE VIDEO...
Rune Magic with Tina Kemp • Episode 16 • Free •
For those who are fascinated with Runes I have a special guest for you. I met Tina Kemp through the Women of Wisdom conference where she and I had a discussion on magic and I was so impressed with her wealth of knowledge on the subject.