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Man of Fire and Mushroom Wisdom • Episode 11 • Free •

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Man of Fire and Mushroom Wisdom • Episode 11 • Free •



I heard from Dr Tom Garcia a number of years ago when he contacted me to introduce himself and share his appreciation for the mushroom teachers. We’ve stayed in contact and I have observed Tom’s unfolding over the years where he has become a most gracious medicne man for his community.
In hour one, Tom discusses his relationship not only with the mushroom teachers but also with the spirit of the fire, which is a potent elemental force that has shaped his approach to his calling as a medicine man and informs his ritual and healing practice.
Hour two continues the conversation where Tom discusses will, altars, claiming one’s place at the fire, and more. His depth of knowledge and wisdom is so dearly needed now and I know you will benefit from listening to this very special man.
Learn more about Dr Tom Garcia here:
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