Repositioning Psychedelics in the Collective Consciousness
“I once heard of a behavioral study conducted at a university, years ago, long before I became interested in altered states of consciousness, that…
Welcome to the Polemics of Jack
The Polemics, as I lovingly refer to my writings, are intended to be a collection of short articles, art-i-facts, journey notes, diagrams, ecstatic…
Transcendental Objects
The “Transcendental Object at the End of Time” IS SYMBOLIZED BY the ‘J’ and the ‘T’ of ob-J-ec-T itself, ‘J-ec-T,’ ‘TO THROW,’ fro…
Entheogens: Master Plant Sacraments
Entheogens: Master Plant Sacraments poster is a printed 17"x 52" high-resolution art poster that is a visual map and guide to the plant sacraments aya…
Eye of God
The "Eye of God," as en-V-isioned by the Huichol (Wixaritari) Indians of Mexico. Geometry and V-ibrance, compliments of PEYOTE. Inquire within.
To ‘e-X-AL-T,’ from ‘ex-,’ ‘OUT, UPWARD’ + ‘altus,’ ‘HIGH.’ But why?
‘Forbidden’ is a REVERSE BIFURCATION. ‘Bi’ is ‘TWO,’ the etymological foundation of Bi-ology. The Study of Life is the Study of TWO.
In the M-iddle, at the bottom of the ‘U,’ of yo-U, between the ‘M’ and the ‘N’ in the ‘MUN’ of Com-MUN-ion, when and where the ‘I’…
The Etymology of Healing
THIS Etymology of Healing revolves around the Greek name ‘Jason,’ and an enTheogenic and esoteric explanation of why ‘Jason’ means ‘HEALER.…
A Word about Knowledge
‘Epistemology’ is defined as ‘THE THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE.’ ‘Spectators’ have ‘theories,’ Serpents do not.
The Pole of Polemics
IN SEVERE GOODNESS, at the center of vertical and horizontal planes, the sa[y]man, the Wordman, is psychologically crucified upon the Cross of Conscio…
The Hidden Meaning of THIS
Before I had ever been to New York City, I had a dream that I was there on a busy street near the corner of a tall building, and there was this black …
The Bards of Bardo
IN THE PLACID TERROR of ecstatic contemplation, revelation comes not by deduction or induction, but by disintegration and integration. Here, melting i…
The Carpenter’s Tools
Structurally, and f-UNCTION-AL-ly, the Carpenter’s Tools, the COMPASS, SQUARE and PEN, are ‘INSTRUMENTS OF MEASUREMENT,’ measuring the ‘ment,…
The Morphemes of Hallelujah
‘JAH’ is a Map of God in morpheme structure. The ‘J’ is an A-XIS POLE MADE OF LIGHT, a flame, the Wizard’s Magic Wand, burning inside the Fi…
Praylude to Jacob’s Ladder
Jacob’s Ladder,
the World Tree,
the World Mountain,
the Axis Mundi,
live and wait
in the Garden of the Mind,
in the Heart of a Christ,
in an…
An Alternate Etymology of Marijuana
The ‘-JUANA’ of Marijuana is the Latin/Spanish feminine aspect of the masculine ‘JUAN,’ in English, ‘JOHN,’ etymologically related to ‘J…
The Polemics of Jack Intro
The Polemics, as I lovingly refer to my writings, are intended to be a collection of short articles, art-i-facts, journey notes, diagrams, ecstatic poetry, slights-of-hand…