MemberFebruary 17, 2025
September 19, 2024
Iboga Saves: Ending Addiction, Event 1 Sept 4, 2024 Replay:
September 1, 2024
A timeless message from the Wilhelm I Ching. I so love this book for the wisdom it has given me over the years. I believe…
October 19, 2023
Lakshmi Narayan: I’m interviewing Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, the co-founder of the Advanced Integrative Medical Science Institute. He is suing the DEA for the right of…
September 12, 2023
Because the real power is inside, and the synergistic total alkaloid plant medicines are by nature going to have a better effect on your body,…
March 7, 2023
Over the last few years psychedelics has gone mainstream and many people are seeking them out with very little understanding of the territory they are…
December 27, 2022
The compass and square are ‘instruments of measurement,’ to measure the ‘MENT,’ the ‘MIND.’ Interestingly, the compass and square are tools ‘belonging to a carpenter.’ Got wood?
July 30, 2022
Video Transcript: So, yeah, I’ve been on pain meds, opioid pain meds for at least 15 years now. I think it actually is a little…
July 12, 2022
07/12/2022 to 07/12/2022, 06:00 pm to 09:00 pm, EST New York Time ZOOM LINK https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6193667788?pwd=T1FtZmlOZHZObmczc2dWTlJQOTI5QT09 Lotsof was unable to obtain ibogaine after 1963 due to…
July 12, 2022
A free discussion and sharing circle about how to prepare for, navigate, and integrate a flood-dose ibogaine treatment for addiction recovery. Moderated by Jeffrey Kamlet MD, CMO, www.Beond.us, and Board Medical Advisor, Awake FEAT program to end opioid addiction. A much needed topic of discussion in the face of one overdose death every 8 minutes or so! JUL 25, 8:30 PM EST ONLINE
May 22, 2022
ENTHEOGENIC ENTREPRENEURS If you have something to say, teach, or initiate around the use of entheogenic plant medicines or a complementary modality and are…
April 26, 2022
What is an ego death? Especially one that occurs inside of an entheogenic journey? In this integration circle we will discuss what the ego is, and what it isn’t, how to have a healthy definition and relationship with your ego-personality, and how to evolve the “expression” of the ego through the use of entheogenic, mind-manifesting journeys as well as through a process of integration and refinement of character.
April 5, 2022
What is an ego death? Especially one that occurs inside of an entheogenic journey? In this integration circle we will discuss what the ego is, and what it isn’t, how to have a healthy definition and relationship with your ego-personality, and how to evolve the “expression” of the ego through the use of entheogenic, mind-manifesting journeys as well as through a process of integration and refinement of character.
December 12, 2021
“I once heard of a behavioral study conducted at a university, years ago, long before I became interested in altered states of consciousness, that…
April 23, 2021
Entheogens: Master Plant Sacraments poster is a printed 17″x 52″ high-resolution art poster that is a visual map and guide to the plant sacraments ayahuasca, iboga and ibogaine, psilocybin, san pedro, and peyote. It is a labor of love created by Awake Media. All proceeds go towards FEAT the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatment.